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Updated: August 6, 2024

The witnesses were few only the vassals of the count; and no attempt at festivity preceded or followed the dismal ceremony. Alvina retired to her chamber when it was over, promising to join her bridegroom at the table in a few moments. The housekeeper accompanied her. "I give you joy, Countess Radetsky," said the old woman. "I sorely need it," was the bitter answer.

And afterward, to wit, on the seventeenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, at the borough of Manhattan of the city of New York in the county of New York aforesaid, did feloniously marry and take as his wife one Alvina Woodcock, and to the said Alvina Woodcock was then and there married, the said Tomascene Startup being then and there living and in full life, against the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and against the peace of the people of the state of New York and their dignity.

"Father," said the young girl, earnestly, "does he know that I love him not?" "I have told him all, Alvina." "And yet he is willing to wed me!" She raised her eyes to heaven, rose, and slowly retired to her room.

Higgleby, is charged in this indictment with the crime of bigamy committed here in New York, in marrying Alvina Woodcock the strong-minded lady on the front row of benches there when he already had a lawful wife living in Chicago. The indictment alleges no other offense and the district attorney has not sought to prove any, my learned and eloquent adversary, Mr.

At the moment when, sealing his pledge of eternal fidelity and memory in absence, he tremblingly printed a first and holy kiss upon the blushing cheek of Alvina, an iron hand was laid upon his shoulder, and, torn ruthlessly from the spot, he was dashed against the wall, while a terrible voice exclaimed, "Dog, you shall reckon with me for this!" Alvina threw herself at her father's feet.

"Go down, sweet, to your bridegroom," said the old woman, who was totally deaf to her complaints, "or he will seek you here." Alvina descended to the banquet hall, uncertain what course to pursue. Escape appeared impossible, and what little she knew of Radetsky convinced her that he was as pitiless and base as her reputed father. She sank into a seat, pale, inanimate, and despairing.

"Yes, dear but unfortunate girl," cried the Cossack leader, turning and gazing on the young girl, "I feel that thou art lost to me forever. I have slain thy father. Love for thee should have stayed my hand; but I had sworn an oath of vengeance, and I kept my vow." "Alexis," whispered Alvina, "he was not my father. He was my bitterest enemy. Nor am I nobly born. Like you, I am an orphan."

Even the generous hospitality of Colonel Kipp amiable under the influence of golden dreams even the smiles of the simpering Alvina, and the more brave coquetry of Car'line now become a decided admirer of my yellow buttons were not sufficient to preserve my spirits from ennui.

They galloped round and round the hetman and his fair companion in dizzying circles, like the whirling leaves of autumn, firing their pistols, brandishing their lances and sabres, and making the welkin ring with their terrific shouts. Alvina clung, terrified, to the waist of her lover, and he finally silenced the noisy demonstrations by a wave of his hand.

"And you knew this, and never told me!" cried the hapless girl. "I was bound by an oath not to reveal the secret till you were married. And I did not love you enough to perjure myself." "Wretch miserable wretch!" cried Alvina. "Alas! to what a fate have I been doomed! Ah! why did they not let me rather perish than rear me to this doom? My heart is given to Alexis my hand to Radetsky!"

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