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Perhaps as you find me here, a stranger to yourself, in place of the customary servant I ought to begin by giving you a reference." "Thank you for reminding me, miss. My name is Elizabeth Mosey. I am well known to the gentleman who attends Miss Letitia. Dr. Allday will speak to my character and also to my experience as a nurse.

I shall find my own way to Cecilia's good graces quite easily: the way is through her mouth. You mentioned a certain Doctor Allday. Does he give parties? And do the right sort of men go to them? Hush! I think I hear the bell again. Go to the door, and see who it is." Emily waited, without taking any notice of this suggestion.

We shall not envy them we are rich too. Everything is comparative. The portrait of Mr. Wyvil will put three hundred pounds in my pocket. I have earned a hundred and twenty more by illustrations, since we have been married. Moral! we are rich as well as happy." "Without a thought of the future?" Miss Ladd asked slyly. "Oh, Doctor Allday has taken the future in hand!

If I have done nothing else, I have at least succeeded in keeping you and Miss Jethro apart." Emily looked at him in alarm. He went on without appearing to notice that he had startled her. "I wish to God I could as easily put a stop to the mad project which you are contemplating." "The mad project?" Emily repeated. "Oh, Doctor Allday.

"Excepting good Doctor Allday " On the point of adding the name of Alban Morris, she checked herself without knowing why, and substituted the name of her school-friend. "And not forgetting Cecilia," she resumed, "I know nobody." "Cecilia's a fool," Francine remarked gravely; "but now I think of it, she may be worth cultivating.

A fortnight after the disappearance of Mrs. Ellmother, and the dismissal of Mrs. Mosey, Doctor Allday entered his consulting-room, punctual to the hour at which he was accustomed to receive patients. An occasional wrinkling of his eyebrows, accompanied by an intermittent restlessness in his movements, appeared to indicate some disturbance of this worthy man's professional composure.

Allday announced, on his return. "Remember, please, that she can't see you in the inflamed state of her eyes, and don't disturb the bed-curtains. The sooner you go to her the better, perhaps if you have anything to say which depends on her recognizing your voice. I'll call to-morrow morning. Very distressing," he repeated, taking his hat and making his bow "Very distressing."

Does your dog ask whether you are right or wrong? I am your dog. I think of You, and I think of nothing else." She looked back through the experience of the last few days. Miss Ladd Mrs. Ellmother Doctor Allday: not one of them had felt for her, not one of them had spoken to her, as this man had felt and had spoken.

"There is the most prejudiced man living he hates Mrs. Rook. Would you like to be introduced to him? You're a philosopher; you may do him some good. Doctor Allday Mr. Alban Morris." The doctor recognized the man, with the felt hat and the objectionable beard, whose personal appearance had not impressed him favorably.

She rose and bowed with the same grace of movement, and the same well-bred composure of manner, which Doctor Allday had noticed when she entered his consulting-room. Her dark melancholy eyes rested on Alban with a look of gentle interest. A faint flush of color animated for a moment the faded beauty of her face passed away again and left it paler than before.