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"Did you suppose I thought he would?" cried Alexia coolly. "Why, it's Polly Pepper, everybody knows, that brings him here." "What's become of Mr. Bayley?" asked one of the girls suddenly. "Hush sh! you mustn't ask," cried Alexia mysteriously, and turning away from the mirror, with a lingering movement; "there, it looks shockingly, but it is as good as I can fix it."

"She's just gone," he said. "Yes, madam" all attention to the next customer. Polly hurried on rapid feet. It was half-past three by the big central clock as she went down the main aisle well, she must hurry home, for Alexia was probably on her way there, as Miss Rhys had said, when, "Dear me, Polly Pepper, wait!" struck her ear.

"Yes yes," cried the whole bevy. "Well, now, girls," said Alexia, running over to give Clem a small shake, "let's to business. There isn't any time to waste. Charlotte Chatterton, will you tell us the rest of it, and who will be the Lord of Misrule? dear me, if we only had Joel here!"

Now what shall we do in the way of a simple, appropriate fandango a perfect idyl of a thing, you know?" "Well," said Charlotte quietly, "you know in the olden time at Christmas" "But this isn't Christmas," cried Alexia, interrupting with an uneasy gesture. "Do be still," cried the other girls, pulling at her, "and let Miss Chatterton finish"

"Candace, come into my 'den' and get a pattern for some new pins I want you to make for me," cried Jasper, desperately dragging her off. "It's no use to lecture me," said Alexia, sitting straight as Candace's feet shuffled down the hall, and wiping her face exhaustedly. "I know it was dreadful O dear me! Don't anybody speak to me, or I shall disgrace myself again!"

"It will be dreadful," said Alexia, with a pathetic little sniff, and beginning on a second pink bow, "but then, you know, it's your duty to go off nicely, and I'm sure you can't do it, Polly, without a farewell party." "Yes," said Polly slowly, "but then I'd really rather write little notes to all the girls. But I suppose they'll all enjoy the party," she added.

"Phooh!" exclaimed Joel, "it wasn't worth finding out, that old secret. But it's as good as girls ever get up," he finished with a supercilious air. "It was a perfectly splendid play!" cried Alexia, "and much too good for a lot of boys. Goodness, Joey, I wouldn't celebrate if you four were coming home from school to our house. I'd have the jollification the night before you went back."

"And beside, even if they don't make things, why, they can come to our suppers, for we must of course get up some, of things we've learned to make. Oh, it will be such fun, Alexia!" Polly sighed and clasped her hands.

"I guess you would if you were in my place," growled Joel, scarcely giving them a glance. "Go away, Alexia; you can't get me into a scrape this morning I've to dig at this." "I don't want to get you into a scrape," cried Alexia, with a cold shoulder to Pickering, who had been claimed by the other girls, "we're going to help you."

Alexia, feeling that here was coming something quite worth her while to hear, waited patiently. "You all know I've loved Polly for years," said Pickering steadily; "I made no secret of it." "I know it," said Alexia, full of sympathy, and not daring to breathe, lest she should spoil it all. "Well, go on." "And when I was sick, I hoped that things might be different for Polly was sorry for me.