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As Albornoz finished this epistle, he summoned his confidential attendant, a Spanish gentleman, who saw nothing in his noble birth that should prevent his fulfilling the various hests of the Cardinal. "Alvarez," said he, "these to the Signora Cesarini by another hand; thou art unknown to her household. Repair to the state tower; this to the Governor admits thee.

While he continued to be the object of a popular hatred as intense as ever glowed, he had gradually lost his hold upon those who, at the outset of his career, had been loudest and lowest in their demonstrations of respect. "Believe me," wrote Secretary Albornoz to Secretary Cayas, "this people abhor our nation worse than they abhor the Devil.

From one he learned that Albornoz, whose blessing had confirmed to him the rank of Senator, had received with special favour the messengers of the Orsini and Colonna.

He knew that the Cardinal, whose views connected him with the Roman Patricians, desired his downfall; but he feared not Albornoz: perhaps in his secret heart he wished that any open aggression from the Pontiff's Legate might throw him wholly on the people.

Los dichos Señores licenciados Menchaca, Álava, Luis Tello y Albornoz, dijeron que son de voto y parecer que el dicho fray Luis de Leon sea puesto á qüistion de tormento sobre la intencion y lo indiciado y testificado, y sobre las proposiciones que estan cualificadas por heréticas, no embargante que los teólogos digan últimamente que satisface, entendiéndolo como él, respondiendo á ellas, dice que lo entendió; y que el tormento se le moderado, atento que el reo es delicado: y con lo que dél resultare, se torne á veer y determinar.

They had accordingly much negotiation with the Duke and his secretary, Albornoz. They boasted that they could easily capture Elizabeth, but said that the King's purpose was to kill her.

Besides," continued the Knight, lowering his voice, and shading his face, "I had vowed a pilgrimage to the beloved river, and the old trysting-place. Ah me! But all this, Brettone, thou understandest not let it pass. As for my safety, since we have come to this amnesty with Albornoz, I fear but little danger even if discovered: besides, I want the florins.

As the impression made by Nina upon the softer and better nature of Albornoz died away, he naturally began to consider his guest as the profound politicians of that day ever considered men a piece upon the great Chess-Board, to be moved, advanced, or sacrificed, as best suited the scheme in view.

La Loo had afterward a long conversation with the Duke's secretary Albornoz, who assured him that his master had the greatest affection for Count Horn, and that since his affairs were so much embarrassed, he might easily be provided with the post of governor at Milan, or viceroy of Naples, about to become vacant.

Pleased with the respite, Alvarez hastily withdrew: and, in fact, the Cardinal's thoughts at that moment, and for that night, were bent upon other subjects than those of love. The interruption served, however, to shorten the conversation between Albornoz and his guest. The latter rose.