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The next day being the Emperor's birthday, the whole town was gloriously illuminated, and the splendid old Franz Josef splendid in spite of his past irregularities appeared before his adoring people, with Bee the most adoring of all his subjects. There were any number of little parties made up after that, for, of course, we returned the civility of the officers.

"The chief Deity of the Tagalas is called Bathala mei Capal, and also Diuata; and their principal idolatry consists in adoring those of their ancestors who signalised themselves for courage or abilities, calling them Humalagar, i.e. manes: They make slaves of the people who do not keep silence at the tombs of their ancestors.

"And I like you too," said the boy, with an adoring look in his deep eyes, "better'n anyone in the world." "Do you, Steve? I'm glad." Again she stooped swiftly and kissed him. "Now run home." She hurried home, passed into her room without a word to anyone. Slowly she removed her hat, then turning to her glass she gazed at her flushed face for a few moments. A little smile curved her lips.

Tactfully, as a gentleman must in any magazine of wide circulation, he deprecated the worship of these adoring ones and kindly sought to persuade them that he was but a man not a god, even if he did chance to receive one of the largest salaries in the business. The rogue! No god with the glorious lines of his face there on the cover to controvert this awkward disclaimer!

"Love the opera? Do you hear her, Chris? But I didn't love people talking all about me and they will do it, you know! And that makes one furious!" "I see you getting furious," Norma observed, incredulously. "You don't know me! But I was a bashful, adoring sort of little person, on my first night " "Yes, you were," Chris teased her, over a lazy ripple of thirds.

There was no answer, but the look on Susie's small pale face was so humble and adoring that Lord Valleys, not a very observant man, noticed it with a sort of satisfaction. "Yes," he thought, somewhat irrelevantly, "the country is sound at heart!"

Nevil Sinclair knowing they would act upon it let out an involuntary sigh and tightened his hold of the gentle, adoring woman, whose spirit towered so far above his own. "Lilámani you've won," he said, after a perceptible pause. "You deserve to win and Roy will bless you. It's the high privilege of Mothers, I suppose, to conjure the moon out of heaven for their sons."

But she was no longer mistress of her heart. That was given to the man whose baseness she knew, and whom she loved despite her better reason. Sir Reginald speedily discovered the state of his cousin's feelings. He had laid his plans for this result. Douglas Dale, as the adoring slave of Madame Durski, would be an easy dupe, and much of Sir Oswald's wealth might yet enrich his disinherited nephew.

She did not speak; she only looked at him with a divine look of love and faith, and he watched her as she went down, it seemed, out of the very heart of the setting sun and into the shadows beneath, and so disappeared from his adoring eyes in a peaceful purple twilight. Then he returned to the old stone seat and leaning forward gazed out over the exquisite scene.

Taking up its criticism of the divine being and applying it to man, I observe: That man, in adoring himself as God, has posited of himself an ideal contrary to his own essence, and has declared himself an antagonist of the being supposed to be sovereignly perfect, in short, of the infinite;