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Updated: August 7, 2024

If Tully, asking a Dutchman what BEWEEGINGE was, should have received this explication in his own language, that it was 'actus entis in potentia quatenus in potentia; I ask whether any one can imagine he could thereby have understood what the word BEWEEGINGE signified, or have guessed what idea a Dutchman ordinarily had in his mind, and would signify to another, when he used that sound?

" Tuque Rectiùs Iliacum carmen deducis in actus Qu

They call a jugum the area which a pair of oxen can plough in a day. The versus is one hundred feet square: the jugerum is the area containing two square actus: the actus quadratus or acnua, as it is called by the Latins, measuring 120 feet in width and as much in length. The smallest fraction of a jugerum is called a scripulum and is ten feet square.

Your lordships true friend and most obedient Servant. Van. Come to the present busines then. Or. We attend you. Actus Secundus. Enter Barnavelt, Leidenberch, Modesbargen. Bar. I have with danger venturd thus far to you That you might know by me our plot's discoverd.

Now 'tis well knowen to the whole world they feed better and eate more then we: ergo, we have better stomackes then they. Will't please you enter, or shall I enter before you? I am your man, madam. Ele. You know the way best: whilst abroad they are At fight, twixt hope and feare at home I warre. Actus Secundus.

Poore man, I pitty thee. But to the prison with him. Ten. And let him be carefully lookt to. Actus Tertius. Enter Captaine, Hill, Secretary, Jewell. Cap. Our Generall yet shewd himselfe right noble in offering ransome for poore Captive Pike. Sec. So largely, too, as he did, Captaine. Cap. If any reasonable price would have bene accepted it had bene given Mr. Secretary, I assure you. Jew.

This is certain that, from the manner in which he wrote the Annals, Bracciolini gave a larger meaning to "actus" than to "actiones," the former meaning "public affairs," and the other "things that were done" of any note or interest; clearly showing that nobody was more conscious than Bracciolini himself how he had failed in attempting to write history in the exact manner in which it was written by Tacitus.

In any case Scene I must have been acted well forward. p. 312 rencounter. Meet. p. 322 Phi. Who's there. The Duke of Buckingham, in The Rehearsal , Actus ii, scaena V, has a fray burlesquing this passage. p. 325 Phi. Villain, thou ly'st. cf. The Rehearsal, Actus v, scaena I: 'Lieutenant-General. Villain, thou lyest. p. 330 Campania. The operations of an army in the field during a season. cf.

I may be wrong, but I suspect that one of the later uses of "actus," as quoted in Ducange, affected Spinoza's Latinity. Thus several ecclesiastical writers are quoted as using the word in the sense of office, or function. Surely this would suit Spinoza's definition of the mind. For he treats it as a centre of phenomenal activity amidst the infinite modes of the divine attribute. Corollarium.

By this wee see, whoever has the worst, The fox fares well, but better when hees curst. Goe to and goe to then. Actus Quintus. Enter Lady Marlowe sola. Lady. Twas here about; these are the poplars, this The yewe he named. Who would Desire an easier wafting to their death Then through this River? what a pleasing sound Its liquid fingers, harping on the stones, Yeilds to th'admiring eare!

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