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The acquiescent tendency arose in some degree from two equally prominent characteristics of Mr. Browning's nature: his optimism, and his belief in direct Providence; and these again represented a condition of mind which was in certain respects a quality, but must in others be recognized as a defect. It disposed him too much to make a virtue of happiness.

He drew her towards him until her acquiescent head lay against his waistcoat. He held her body in his arms, and came deliberately to the conclusion that to be alive was excellent. Eve's body was as yielding as that of a young girl. To Mr. Prohack, who of course was the dupe of an illusion, it had an absolutely enchanting girlishness. She sobbed and she sobbed, and Mr. Prohack let her sob.

I puzzled myself over this question in vain, but when I silently prayed to be satisfied with just what God chose to give me of the wealth I crave, yes, hunger and thirst for, I certainly felt a sweet content, for the time, at least, that was quite resting and quieting. And just as I had reached that acquiescent mood Ernest threw down his book, and came and caught me in his arms.

Aileen, whatever might be said of her deficiencies, was by no means as tractable or acquiescent as his first wife. And, besides, he felt that he owed her a better turn. By no means did he actually dislike her as yet; though she was no longer soothing, stimulating, or suggestive to him as she had formerly been. Her woes, because of him, were too many; her attitude toward him too censorious.

As long as there was some money to be got she had hold of him. "Now go away. We shall do no good by any more of this sort of talk. I want to be alone for a bit." He went away, sulkily acquiescent. There was a room always kept ready for him on the same floor, at the further end of a short thickly carpeted passage.

Then, as her hand lay there, scarcely imprisoned, their eyes encountered, and hers, intensely blue now, considered him without emotion, studied him impersonally without purpose, incuriously acquiescent, indifferently expectant. After a little while the consciousness of the contact disconcerted her; she withdrew her fingers with an involuntary shiver. "Is there no chance?" he asked.

When he left the room, however, Glossin seized upon a chair, and threw himself into it with an air between embarrassment and effrontery. He felt the silence of his companions disconcerting and oppressive, and resolved to interrupt it. 'A fine day, Mr. Sampson. The Dominie answered with something between an acquiescent grunt and an indignant groan.

Lord Glaramara looked back, smiling and beckoning to Constance, as though to say "Don't altogether desert me!" But a voice a tall figure interposed "Lady Constance, let me take you into the garden? It's much nicer than upstairs." A slight shiver ran, unseen, through the girl's frame. She wished to say no; she tried to say no. And instead she looked up haughty, but acquiescent. "Very well."

"I like to do my hair myself," she said, "but if you brush it for me I shall be glad." She did not like this servant who had been on terms of close familiarity with the other woman; while, outwardly acquiescent, she allowed herself to be buttoned into a dressing-gown by the hard, bony fingers, in spirit she protested.

"I'm going away for a while." Her face fell; she rose, placed the kitten on the lounge, and walked up to him, both hands clasped loosely behind her back, wistfully acquiescent. "It's going to be lonely again for me," she said. "Nonsense! You've just read me your visiting list " "I had rather have you here than anybody." "Dolly, you'll get over that absurd sense of obligatory regard for me "