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Updated: August 20, 2024

I have arranged a little barging too for my friend the Erl. The line will pass through a hangle of Bareacre Park. He shall have a good compensation I promis you; and then I shall get back the 3000 I lent him. His banker's acount, I fear, is in a horrid state." We then come to the following: "With a prowd and thankfle Art, I copy off this morning's Gayzett the following news:

Sometimes comes the Sayyid Mohammed el Barr, a stout personage, formerly governor of Zayla, and still highly respected by the people on acount of his pure pedigree. With him is the Fakih Adan, a savan of ignoble origin. When they appear the conversation becomes intensely intellectual; sometimes we dispute religion, sometimes politics, at others history and other humanities.

Rebecka Caulfeld is mor than ever estemed by my father; but, Ruth, I am bounde to say, my father's esteme is nott to be ye rule of my ackshuns thro' life, for it semes to me their is no worser tyrrannie than ye wich fathers do striv to impose on there children, and I do acount that a kind of barbarity wich wou'd compel ye hart of youth to sute ye proodense of age. I do not dout but Mrs.

At all odds there was a sore misfit betwixt us in some way. If it was the blam of the world, good ridance and parden, if it was my blam, let them which made me come to acount fo'rt. I send herewith my great emruld ringg, with dimends which I suspect hath been the means of sending an inosent man into slavery.

In the future there will be still more difficulty in this matter, because of the extraordinary expenses which have resulted from the uprising of the Sangleys, and the deficiency which on this acount has this year resulted in the royal duties on merchandise from China, which goes as high as thirty-five to forty thousand pesos; and there is a further loss of five or six thousand pesos each year, which is the amount of the tributes from the Sangleys an income that we formerly received, which is now at an end.

The account books of Simonds and White show that he lived on the river at least as early as October, 1765 the first item charged in his acount is: "Oct. 23d, To 1 Fusee, £2." On July 23, 1767, Tidmarsh was granted 1,000 acres in the township of Maugerville. Some years later his name appears as a Halifax magistrate, and in the year 1775 he was a Planter in the Island of Grenada.

God was pleased to bring it about that the information which I sent from Macan caused the Chinese not to collect any fleet in China for the present, and that the merchant ships came; I accordingly dismissed Captain Villaçon, giving him his discharge, seeing that the reason for his accepting the said company had ceased; I have thought best to give an acount of this to your Majesty, that you may be informed thereof, and may have given such order as may be expedient in similar cases which may arise in the future.

It was extraordinary to him to notice how, now that he had lost her, every other affection that he had ever known became dwarfed and of no acount in comparison with his love of her. He no longer thought of Mordaunt or of El Dorado; all his anxiety was for the half-breed wife, whom he had once despised.

This, with his attention to his mother and family, kept him from regularly serving in the army. But he, never the less, would make short tours of service." So far we have quoted Dr. Draper's recollections of an interview with George Michael Bedinger in his extreme old age. We have already given Henry Bedinger's own acount of his captivity.

The color of the bridle was the same as the saddle and it supported a heavy U bit which was capable of a leverage sufficient to break the animal's jaw. Tex was proud of his outfit, but his face wore a frown not there only on acount of his losses, but also by reason of his mission, for under all his finery beat a heart as black as any in the cow country.

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