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Thence walked to my wife, and so set out for home in our coach, it being very cold weather, and so to the office to do a little business, and then home to my wife's chamber, my people having laid the cloth, and got the rooms all clean above-stairs to-night for our dinner to-morrow, and therefore I to bed. 9th. Up, and at the office all the morning, and at noon, my Lord Brouncker, Mr.

Caryll's intent to dine, resuming his journey in the cool of the evening, when he hoped to get at least as far as Farnborough ere he slept. Landlady, chamberlain, ostler and a posse of underlings hastened to give welcome to so fine a gentleman, and a private room above-stairs was placed at his disposal. Before ascending, however, Mr.

Or if to the respectable conclave above-stairs, who would have recoiled indignantly at the vulgar word "jobbing," had been hinted a phrase which ran oddly in and out of the nooks of my brain, keeping time to the murmur in the street, "Vox populi, vox Dei" truly, I should have got little credit for my Latinity.

That they used a finer accent than their servants, signified only that they had grown up amid falsities, and were enabled, by the help of money, to dwell above-stairs, instead of with their spiritual kindred below.

We went in silence by ways that were well known to him but in which I should assuredly have lost myself, and so we came at last to a fair tavern the Osteria del Sole near the Tower of Nona. His horse was stalled here, and a servant led the way above-stairs to the room that he had hired.

His next office was to lay the table. There was a best service of china, which was only used when we had company, and a best set of teaspoons, which I kept in the drawer of a bureau in my own room above-stairs. I Was in the habit of keeping this drawer locked, and putting the key under a small clock on the mantel-piece.

This I say advisedly, having heard from him of certain engagements which he has formed, and which it would be misery to all parties were he to attempt to execute now." "Your logic is very strong," said my lord. "Shall we go up and see the ladies? There is a picture above-stairs which your grandfather is said to have executed.

Let me be your slave and stand behind you in gray cloth. Beloved father, I implore you, let me see the test." "Ah, well," said the emperor, rising, with a smile. "I shall know nothing but that you have gone above-stairs to find Clia, mistress of the robes. Tell her to give you a box of tablets, and when I raise my finger so they are to be delivered. Away with you."

Whilst the party above-stairs hurried to the windows, and endeavoured to discern who it was that disturbed them in so unceremonious a manner, a servant opened the small grated wicket in the centre of the door, and enquired the stranger's pleasure. "Is the Conde de Villabuena at home?" demanded the horseman. "I must see him instantly." "The name of your Señoria," enquired the domestic.

When I was without, I heard one of my poor lambs, left still above-stairs, about six years old, cry out, dismally, "Help me!" I ran in again, to go upstairs, but the staircase was now all afire. I tried to force up through it a second time, holding my breeches over my head, but the stream of fire beat me down.