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Updated: August 26, 2024

In the campaign of 477 a desultory warfare was carried on in Samnium, where an attack thoughtlessly made on some entrenched heights cost the Romans many lives, and thereafter in southern Italy, where the Lucanians and Bruttians were defeated.

They were reclaimed by this means; they fought our battles; they cheerfully bled in defence of those liberties which they attempted to overthrow but a few years before. Parl. Hist. xix. 477. 'Yet hope not life from grief or danger free, Nor think the doom of man reversed for thee. Line 154. See ante, ii. 168. 'Stretch'd on the rack of a too easy chair.

Those, indeed, are not rivers of the rank of the Po; but neither are they what are technically called torrents or mountain streams, whose flow is only an occasional effect of heavy rains or melting snow. Elisee Reclus, La Terre, t. i, p. 477. Sec interesting notices of the lower course of the Noang-ho in Nature, Nov. 25, 1869.

There are two interesting items of customs receipts, a sum of $924, the proceeds of a per capita tax of two dollars levied on passengers landing on the islands, for the support of the Queen's Hospital, and a sum of $1,477, the proceeds of a tax levied on seamen for the support of the Marine Hospital.

Nugent was Burke's father-in-law. Ante, i. 477. Lord Charlemont left behind him a History of Italian Poetry. Hardy's Charlemont, i. 306, ii. 437. See ante, i. 250, and ii. 378, note 1. Since the first edition, it has been suggested by one of the club, who knew Mr. Vesey better than Dr.

"Primitive Culture," 1873, ii. 416, 417. See Dorman's "Primitive Superstition," p. 68. Thorpe's "Northern Mythology," 1851, ii. 108. "Primitive Superstitions," p. 67. "Plant-lore Legends and Lyrics," p. 265. Quoted in Brand's "Popular Antiquities," 1849, iii. 135. See Friend's "Flower-Lore," i. 207. Folkard's "Plant-lore Legends and Lyrics," p. 477.

Schools of higher grade are being multiplied, and the examination of teachers, still lax enough, becomes more exact and faithful, as befits the drill of an army of two hundred and forty thousand charged with the intellectual police of eight millions of children the number said by the new "National Bureau of Education" to have been enrolled in 1875, against 7,209,938, 5,477,037 and 3,642,694 by the censuses of 1870, '60 and '50.

Here, too, is preserved the splendid cope of S. Giovanni Angeloptes who was archbishop from 477 to 494 when he died. In another apartment of the Arcivescovado is preserved a relic of another great archbishop of Ravenna: the ivory throne of S. Maximianus. This is a magnificent work of the early part of the sixth century, and is one of the most splendid works known to us of its kind.

A. Brehm, Life of Animals, iii. 477; all quotations after the French edition. Bates, p. 151. Catalogue raisonne des oiseaux de la faune pontique, in Demidoff's Voyage; abstracts in Brehm, iii. 360. During their migrations birds of prey often associate. Birds in the Northern Shires, p. 207. Max. Dr. Elliot Coues, Birds of the Kerguelen Island, in Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. xiii.

Zeno upon his return to power had entered into closer connection with the Roman chair. He had sent the Pope a blameless confession of faith, promising to maintain the Council of Chalcedon. Simplicius, on the 8th October, 477, had congratulated him on his return. In this letter he reminds Zeno of the acts of his predecessors, Marcian and Leo: that he owed gratitude to God for bringing him back.

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