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The professorship was only salaried in 1863. Ricardo's Works , p. 407. Printed in Porter's Progress of the Nation and elsewhere. See sixth volume of History of Prices by Tooke and Newmarch, and privately printed Minutes of Political Economy Club . Speeches, 3 vols. 8vo, 1831. Ibid. ii. 465-530. Ibid. ii. 477. Bentham's Works, ii. 459.

Gasquet-Bishop, op. cit., 69-77. Leach, /Eng. Schools at the Reformation/, 1-7. Gasquet-Bishop, op. cit., 92-96. /Cambridge Mod. History/, ii., 477. Gasquet-Bishop, op. cit., 83 sqq. Dixon, /History of the Church/, ii., 476. Gasquet-Bishop, op. cit., chap. ix. Dodd-Tierney, ii., app. ix. Gasquet-Bishop, op. cit., chap. x. Rose-Troup, /The Western Rebellion of 1549/, 1913.

Jones, of the University of Missouri. Speaking of Publicly and privately supported institutions of learning in the U.S., Dr. Cappen, assistant commissioner of the United States Bureau of Education stated that there are 93 of the former in the U.S. and 477 of the latter.

Non-metallic production 1911: coal $26,378,477; cement, $7,571,299; clay, $8,317,709; stone, $3,680,361; in all, $56,094.258. It is easy to understand what binds the provinces into a confederation.

The estimated cost of the sea-level canal for construction alone sums up to $477,601,000, and if to this be added the cost of sanitation and civil government up to the time of the completion of the canal, which will be at least six years later than the lock canal, and the purchase price, the total cost to the United States will aggregate $563,000,000.

In 1800 there were but 492. Up to the end of that year there had been 949 baptisms, 271 couples married, and 477 buried. There were 2354 head of large stock, and 2083 small. In 1792 the agricultural products were about 650 bushels, as against 4300 in 1800.

Zeno, receiving the empire at the death of his young son by Ariadne, Leo II., in 474, had reigned seventeen years, if we comprise therein the twenty months during which the throne was occupied by the insurgent Basiliscus from 475 to 477, precisely at the moment when Odoacer terminated the western empire. Zeno, recovering the throne in 477, had acted as a Catholic during about four years.

It is true I am rather enamored of the cycle of a hundred and thirty years; prejudiced, if you like, in its favor; it is also true that genius was speaking through at least one world-important Athenian voice that of Aeschylus before the age of Pericles began. Still, these dates are significant: 477, in which year Athens attained the hegemony of Greece, and 347, in which Plato died.

As will be seen by reference to the map on page 477, the decision to limit the campaign to Dongola involved the choice of the Nile route. If the blow had been aimed straight at Khartum, the Suakim-Berber route, or even that by way of Kassala, would have had many advantages.

So far as appears, there are no magical ceremonies for increase of the supply of food. In both New Guinea and the Straits the fact that old customs are disappearing under foreign influence increases the difficulty of determining whether certain usages are primitive or decadent. +477+. Melanesia.