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Next here is a long reach between flooded palm trees next, of course, comes Gordon and a delightfully mad Irish war correspondent who was locked up with him in Khartoum. Gordon Eighty-four Eighty-five the Suakim-Berber Railway really begun and quite as really abandoned.

As will be seen by reference to the map on page 477, the decision to limit the campaign to Dongola involved the choice of the Nile route. If the blow had been aimed straight at Khartum, the Suakim-Berber route, or even that by way of Kassala, would have had many advantages.

A striking tribute to the solidarity of the Empire was the presence of 350 Canadians, mostly French, whose skill in working boats up rapids won admiration on all sides. The difficulties of the Nile route were soon found to be far greater than had been imagined. Indeed many persons still believe that the Suakim-Berber route would have been far preferable.

Korti Abu Klea the Desert Column a steamer called the Safieh not the Condor, which rescued two other steamers wrecked on their way back from a Khartoum in the red hands of the Mahdi of those days. Then the smooth glide over deep water continues another Suakim expedition with a great deal of Osman Digna and renewed attempts to build the Suakim-Berber Railway.

Then again, the occupation of Abu Hamid unlocked the Korosko desert caravan route and drew more wary and recanting dervishes away from the Khalifa. Following the capture of Abu Hamid, Berber was promptly taken for Egypt by the friendlies, and the Suakim-Berber trade route, which had been closed for many years, was re-opened.