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When Zack's turn came, the old fellow replied promptly: "Zack Lurvey, fifty-eight years, five months and eighteen days." "Zack?" the master queried in some perplexity. "Does that stand for Zachary? How do you spell it?" "I never spelled it," old Zack replied with a grin. "I'm here to larn how. Fact is, I'm jest a leetle backward."

Don't be deceived by that jingling it is only a few keys which I keep for purposes of deception. Haven't I seen Uncle Zack's eyes glisten, and I am certain his mouth watered, when he thought the music proceeded from red cents! 'But why must our church have a tin spire? asked Linda by and by. 'It would remind me of some plaything, Bob. 'Because it's national, was the reply.

Blyth's generous, impulsive nature, and sensitively tempered affection for her adopted child, impelled her to take instant and not very merciful notice of Zack's unpardonable thoughtlessness. Her face flushed, her dark eyes sparkled, as he turned quickly on her couch towards the fire-place.

At any rate, a gentleman sitting opposite to him, with a patch over one eye, and a nose broken in three places, swore that young Thorpe had personally insulted him by implying that he was the thief; and vindicated his moral character by throwing a cheese-plate at Zack's head.

The boundary fences of farms were often consumed in this way, and more extensive mischief might follow. For days the charred chaos of timber poles and fallen trunks gave forth such heat and flickering flames as to be unapproachable. Zack's Yankee brain had a scheme for utilizing the ashes, if only he had machinery big enough for converting all into potash and pearlash. This man was old Mr.

Thorpe's house that very day; resolved to investigate through all its ramifications the secret which he had first discovered when the fragments of Zack's hair were playfully held up for him to look at in the deaf and dumb girl's hand. The dispersion of the idlers on the pavement was accelerated, and the footman's imaginary description of the proceedings then in progress at Mr.

Brent respectfully waited for the spell to pass; and when, at last, the old gentleman did look up, his eyes, like Zack's, were moist. "The tobacco ought to be good this year," he said. "Yes," Brent smiled at his courageous nonchalance, "if we don't have the riders." "Riders, pooh," he ridiculed.

Zack's resistance to his father's infatuated severity was now shortly to end in results of the last importance to himself, to his family, and to his friends. A specimen has already been presented of Mr.

And the coincidences of time so ordered it, that while Zack's letters were proceeding to their destinations, in the hand of the messenger, Zack's fellow-lodger was also proceeding to his destination in Kirk Street, by the fast London train.

When the morning came, this anticipation proved to be fallacious. The first objects that greeted Zack's eyes when he lazily awoke about eleven o'clock, were an arm and a letter, introduced cautiously through his partially opened bedroom door. Though by no means contemptible in regard to muscular development, this was not the hairy and herculean arm of Mat.