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Adrian Van Zoon and Master Benjamin Hardy surely knew something about it, and Willet too. Was it possible that a thread lay in the hand of St. Luc also? He turned his eyes from the coals and gazed at the impassive face of the hunter.

After having examined and pulverized with his analysis the traditional proofs of the existence of God, of the Aristotelian God, who is the God corresponding to the zôon politikon, the abstract God, the unmoved prime Mover, he reconstructs God anew; but the God of the conscience, the Author of the moral order the Lutheran God, in short.

"I noticed last night at the play that you were speaking to a merchant, one Adrian Van Zoon." "'Tis true, but how do you know Van Zoon?" "Let it suffice, lad, that I know him and know him well. I wish you to beware of him." He spoke with a sudden softness of tone that touched Robert, and there could be no doubt that his meaning was good.

He always insisted that life was too busy to cherish a grudge or seek revenge. Bad acts invariably punished themselves in the course of time. He was able to see some good, a little at least, in everybody. Searching his mind in after years, he could even find excuses for Adrian Van Zoon.

It is not the word therion, which in thirty-five instances in the Apocalypse is translated beast, denoting an animal of wild disposition, but the word zoon, which signifies "a living creature," and is thus rendered by many of the translators of the New Testament. Their being full of eyes signifies sleepless vigilance and superior intelligence and discernment.

Luc and Tandakora in the forest, he was better able to read motives and to understand men. The reason why Adrian Van Zoon wished him to vanish must be money, because only money could be powerful enough to make such a man risk a terrible crime. Well, he would have a great score to settle with Van Zoon.

Beyond this less is known, but the rest of this chronicle is gathered from the tales that the veterans of the King's armies used to tell in the evenings about the fires in Zoon and remembered afterwards by the men of Zeenar. Below it lay green fields and beyond them moaned the sea with never shore nor island so far as the eye could reach.

They passed again by towns and villages where once they had inquired curiously concerning Time, and none knew them there either. They came again to the palaces and gardens where they had waited for Time in the night, and found that Time had been there. And all the while they set a hope before them that they should come on Zoon again and see its golden eaves.

People walked about, old acquaintances spoke and strangers were introduced to one another. Robert looked sharply for St. Luc, but there was no trace of him. Presently Mr. Hardy was introducing him to a heavy man, dressed very richly, and obviously full of pride. "Mynheer Van Zoon," he said, "this is young Robert Lennox.

Robert, Tayoga and Willet, in their capacity of scouts and skirmishers, could go about practically as they pleased. Colonel Johnson trusted them absolutely and they talked of striking out into the wilderness on a new expedition to see what lay ahead of the army. Adrian Van Zoon, they learned definitely, had started for New York on the Dirkhoeven, and Robert felt relief.