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Backhouse he niver found oot till he'd got past t' bridge, and than it wur too late to go back. Mrs. Thornburgh stood transfixed, something of her fresh pink colour slowly deserting her face as she realised the enormity of the catastrophe. And was it possible that there was the faintest twinkle of grim satisfaction on the face of that elderly minx, Sarah? Mrs.

The sausingers wur very good, an' teasted moorish aal the time; but the bread an' butter wur so nation thin that I had to clap dree or vour pieces together to get a mouthful. I didn't seem to want a knife or vork, but the young 'ooman put a white-handled knife an' silver vork avoor me.

Mind yor hits! Aw 'm beawn to set it agate! An' then he went, an' wun th' organ up, an' it started a-playin' 'French; an' th' singers followed, as weel as they could, in a slattery sort of a way. But some on 'em didn't like it. They reckon't that they made nought o' singin' to machinery. Well, when th' hymn wur done, th' parson said, 'Let us pray, an' down they went o' their knees.

A moment after the old man came into the room, carrying her, and, laying her down on the settee, chafed her hands, and misshapen head. "What ails her?" he said, looking up, bewildered, to Holmes. "We've killed her among us." She laughed, though the great eyes were growing dim, and drew his coarse gray hair into her hand. "Yoh wur long comin'," she said, weakly.

"Why did 'oo lose 'oor 'ittle gal?" pursued Dickie, avoiding the question of age. "Because I wur a fool," replied Andrew frowning. "Tell Dickie," repeated the child, to whom the "little gal" had now become more interesting than the circus; "tell Dickie all about 'oor 'ittle gal." "Well, missie," began Andrew with a sigh, "it wur like this. After her mother died my little gal an' I lived alone.

It may be tough, or it mayn't; it may be bitter, an' it mayn't, for what I knows to the contrairywise; but, oncest on a time, this niggur chawed a varmint that wa'n't much sweeter, if it wur as sweet." "What was it, Rube?" "What was it?" asked several in a breath, curious to know what the old trapper could have eaten more unpalatable than the viands already named.

That's what my mammy used to say. But there wur one as could, and did, master her own dukkeripen Shuri Lovell's little Sinfi. 'You have mastered your dukkeripen, Sinfi? 'Yes, I've mastered mine, she said, with the same look of triumph on her face 'I swore I'd master my dukkeripen, brother, an' I done it.

Two hands shot out and plastered themselves over the stimulated part. There was a wriggle. Then Blob stood before them, touzled, pink, his ears wide, an apple tight between his teeth. "D'you call that keeping a look-out?" thundered the Parson. "Oi wur lookin out," said Blob, dogged and sullen. "Then you keep your eyes where few of us do."

It's some sort of a cellar p'r'aps at the bottom of a church. It do look as if it wur left open jest for us! You used to talk about him above, wife!" He took her by the hand and led the way into the darkness, the boys following, one of them with a hold of his mother, and his arm round the other, who was carrying Moxy. Franks closed the door behind them, and they had gained a refuge.

She wur na loike th' rest o' the wenches loud talkin' an' slattern i' her ways; she wur just quiet loike and nowt else.