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'Oh yes, I like him, and so does Jill; but I wish he were a thousand miles off, and then Etta would give me a little peace. How angry Gladys would be if she knew it! But I don't mean to trouble her about my small worries, poor darling. I had never heard Lady Betty speak with such womanly dignity.

"There is no reason why she should not be married here; she owes that to you and to herself." Then he added in a gentler tone, "And this worries you?" "More than I can tell you, John." There was a note in her voice that vibrated through him. He knew now how seriously the situation affected her. "But why, Jane? If Lucy is happier in it we should do what we can to help her."

But the stalwart, officious man in blue is ever on the scene, and the thrashing of a puny cleric or sawbones is scarcely compensation for a month's hard labour. Yet his mania must be satisfied somehow it worries him to pieces. He must either smash someone's nose or go mad; there is no alternative, and he chooses the former.

It is impossible to say when the little worries, annoyances and disagreements began, when I first felt a restlessness creeping over me. I tried to hide these moods from her, but always she divined them. And yet I was sure that I loved Maude; in a surprisingly short period I had become accustomed to her, dependent on her ministrations and the normal, cosy intimacy of our companionship.

The result of past evil is like any other debt; it may be paid in one large cheque upon the bank of life by some one supreme catastrophe; or it may be paid in a number of smaller notes, in minor troubles and worries; in some cases it may even be paid in the small change of a great number of petty annoyances. But one thing is quite certain that, in some form or other, paid it will have to be.

The barrier was more hopeless than that. David, watching him, waited until Harrison had gone, and went directly to the subject. "Have you ever stopped to think what these last months have meant to Elizabeth? Her own worries, and always this infernal town, talking, talking. The child's pride's been hurt, as well as her heart."

Now worry cannot be shut out of even the richest home, for illness, old age, and death are grim visitors who ask no man's leave. But poverty and its worries are kept away by wealth, and poverty is perhaps the most persistent tormentor of man. Essential in the study of "nervousness" is the physical examination, and we here pass to the physically ill housewife.

"Very well, you will have witnesses, and he will be sentenced." "Sentenced to what?" "To pay damages. In such cases, one must be pitiless!" "Ah! speaking of damages.... There is one thing that worries me very much ... very much indeed.... He left me two twenty franc pieces on the mantelpiece." "Two twenty franc pieces?" "Yes." "No more?" "No." "That is very little. It would have humiliated me.

He also had the pleasure of depositing in the safety vault a goodly number of bonds for his beloved mother, enough to insure a comfortable income to her and the certainty that her financial worries were over forever. "This is what I call an anticlimax," said Edwin to Kent the next morning as they lounged on the Pont Carrousel.

"Yes, if the woman is fond of children; but suppose she doesn't like them?" "Are there women who don't like children?" "Not many, I think; but there are some, and that is what worries me." "Then you don't know this woman at all?" "No more than you do, and I am afraid I shall not know her any better after I have seen her. I am not suspicious.