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Joel used to tell Luke about the plays he saw, and the exile's heart ached with envy. They took long walks up the river or across the bridge into the wonderlands that were overflowed in high-water times. And they talked always of their futures. Boyhood was a torment, a slavery. Heaven was just over the twenty-first birthday.

Why, that was Moses!” the child would exclaim. “No, no,” the woman invariably answered, “it was Sargon.” But that which pleasured Mary more highly even than these tales were the legends of Hither Asia, the wonderlands of Babylon, and particularly the story of the creation, for always the human mind has wished to read the book of God. “Where did they say the world came from?” she would ask.

When the Passover had come and gone, Sephôrah detected that Mary had ceased to be a child; and of the gods and goddesses with whose adventures she was wont to entertain her, gradually she confined herself to Mylitta; and in describing the wonderlands which she knew so well, she spoke now only of Babylon, where the great tower was, and the gardens that hung in the air.

She felt almost overpowered with the bigness of what the man's words had shown her. It was wonderful to her the thought of this this "scallawag." The word flashed through her mind, and with it came an even fuller realization of Mrs. Ransford's stupidity. The man's thought was the poet's insight into Nature's wonderlands.

His brothers went to sea, not out of desire, but because it was the only way for them to gain their bread; and he, who had no need to go, envied them when, returned from far voyages, they sat by the kitchen fire, and told their bold tales of the wonderlands beyond the sea-rim.

He took a volume of some ambassador's "Recollections" from his host's shelves of Victorian memoirs; but he never opened it. He also took a cigar, but he didn't smoke. He only looked looked without effort, almost without consciousness up into the high wonderlands of peace, whence whatever was brooding there seemed to steal into his soul and cleanse it.

There was the "Home Circle" and the "Cosey Corner"; there were "Firesides" and "Hearthstones" and "Pleasure Palaces" and "Wonderlands" and "Dream Castles" and "Love's Delights." Whatever else they were called, they were sure to be called "Union Headquarters," and to hold out a welcome to workingmen; and there was always a warm stove, and a chair near it, and some friends to laugh and talk with.

Nature's sublime wonderlands, the admiration and joy of the world.

He sang the spells that he would weave for her, the far journeys she should take "For thy soul a river flowing Swiftly, over golden sands, With the singing of the steersman Stealing into wonderlands!" Section 2. This song was as far as Thyrsis had written, and he paused. Corydon was sitting with her hands clasped, and a look of enthrallment upon her face. "Oh, beautiful! beautiful!" she cried.

In a worried manner Carl inquired whether San Francisco was northwest or southeast the directions in which ran all self-respecting railroads. Gertie blandly declared that it lay to the northwest; and northwest they started toward the swamps and the first forests of the Big Woods. He had wonderlands to show her along the track. To him every detail was of scientific importance.