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'I bought 'im out of the yard at Breeza Downs that's Windeatt's run about sixty miles from Moongarr, and I will say that though it's a sheep-run they've beat us in the breed of their 'osses.... Got 'im cheap because he'd bucked young Windeatt off and nearly kicked his brains out, and there wasn't a man along the Leura that he'd let stop on his back except me and Zack Duppo the horse-breaker who first put the tackling on 'im.

But Windeatt is in such a fright of their making another attempt on his head-station that he's pushing the imported shearers on with the shearing for all he's worth, and keeps any man he can get hold of on guard night and day round the house and sheds, while I and my lot have been doing a bit of riding after Unionists.... Now, if you please, we'll have the key of the hide-house, concluded Harris.

'I'm quite content with a shake-down at the Quarters, though if I'd known I might have gone by the short cut with the Specials it's rather late, however, to push on to Breeza Downs, where though perhaps I say it as shouldn't I'm sure of a welcome from Mr and Mrs Windeatt, being, so to speak for law and order the representative of His Majesty in the Leura district.

They're doing their shearing early at Breeza Downs with shearers Windeatt has imported from the south, and he wants police protection for them and himself. Lady Bridget laughed. 'Harris and his two constables will have enough to do if they are to protect the district. 'That's just what Windeatt has been clamouring about. Now the Government have sent up a military patrol, I believe.

We're all playing a sort of battledore and shuttlecock game tossed about between drought and plenty boom and slump. A kick in the beam and one end is up and the other end down. There's Windeatt, who will be ruined if his wool-shed is destroyed and his shearing spoiled. No rain, and the banks would foreclose on most of us. Take myself. Two years ago the skies were all smiling on my fortunes.

Windeatt is in a blue funk because a report that a little army of Unionists, all mounted and armed, are camped that way and threatening to burn down his wool-shed and sack his store. The burned old Duppo's wool-shed last week. 'He's a skinflint, and I'm sure he deserved it, put in Lady Bridget indifferently. McKeith check a dry sarcasm.

That old rascal was deep all the more satisfaction in proving that he was not as deep as C. V. To unmask the old cheat was already beginning to seem in the nature of a public service. A subscription to the Windeatt almshouses! That would make him talk in self-defence and he would take care not to press the request to the actual point of getting a subscription.

The same boat that brought up the specials brought a hundred or more free labourers, and they're on their way up to the different sheep-stations along the river a lot of them for Breeza Downs, where Windeatt has begun shearing.

Windeatt up at Breeza Downs is in a mortal funk, and sending word everywhere for a squad of Specials to protect his woolshed. 'It seems, said Lady Biddy to her husband, when the mailman had gone, 'that there might be some use after all for Luke Tallant's Maxims. 'It seems that Jim Steadbolt has been taking his revenge, he answered, 'and that I must be in the saddle in an hour's time.

Only, the next day, he went off to a very old chap called Samuel Windeatt, whose father had been a boy at the time of the War Prison, and was said to have seen and known Miser Brimpson in the flesh. And the old man declared that, in his childish days, he'd heard of the miser, and that he certainly wore a beaver hat and had a white beard a yard long.