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It was strange, Anna said, "how far into his boots Penoyer tried to draw himself," while at each fresh flash of Agnes' keen black eyes, he winced, either from fear or sympathy.

He winced as he felt Trevison's burning gaze on him, and could not meet the young man's eyes, boring like metal points into his consciousness. Trevison sprang forward and seized him by the shoulders. "By God you know it isn't the original!"

"If the thought of that counts for so much," she said, with emphasis, "then it were better not to ask. For, after whom would you love more, do you think; yourself, or the one you think you love?" He winced under her glance. "If it were for your sake I feared?" he asked, with some feeling. "No need of that as long as I know you are sure in your own mind.

"That the Boche had specific instructions to waylay and sink the Assyrian? I begin to think that yes." This declaration affected the woman curiously; she shrank away a little, as from a blow, her eyes winced, her pale lips quivered. When she spoke, it was, strangely enough, in English so naturally enunciated that Lanyard could not doubt that this was her mother tongue.

The Nilghai winced. He had not thought of this. 'As it is, I shall take this stuff and tear it small so! The manuscript fluttered in slips down the dark well of the staircase. 'Go home, Nilghai, said Dick; 'go home to your lonely little bed, and leave me in peace. I am about to turn in till to-morrow. 'Why, it isn't seven yet! said Torpenhow, with amazement.

The moments when he most winced were those at which he found himself believing that, really, futility would have been forgiven him. Even WITH it, in that absurd view, he would have been good enough. Such was the laxity, in the Ververs, of the romantic spirit. They didn't, indeed, poor dears, know what, in that line the line of futility the real thing meant.

"I am going to be French mistress in a High School," Claire said sturdily, and hated herself because she winced before the eloquent change of expression which passed over her companion's face. Mrs Fanshawe said, "Oh, really! How very interesting!" and looked about as uninterested the while as a human creature could be.

Then he made his little suggestion in regard to his own personal needs, and of course was blown up for not having come in two hours ago to remind Sir Thomas that it was dinner-time. "It's because I wouldn't disturb you when you has the Bacon papers out, Sir Thomas," said Stemm serenely. Sir Thomas winced and shook his head; but such scenes as this were too common to have much effect.

An explanation which could at least be accepted. Mr. Hammersmith felt an increase of courage and scarcely winced as his colder-blooded companion continued this unofficial examination by asking: "Where were you standing when making these arrangements with Mr. Quimby?" "Right before the desk." "And your mother?" "She was at my left and a little behind me. She was a shy woman.

Strether winced at the image. "To 'sink' ?" "Well, I mean there's a struggle, and a part of it is just what he hides. Take time that's the only way not to make some mistake that you'll regret. Then you'll see. He does really want to shake her off." Our friend had by this time so got into the vision that he almost gasped. "After all she has done for him?"