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He had neither bribed nor persuaded her, had given her nothing scarce even till now articulate thanks; so that her profit-to think of it vulgarly must have all had to come from the Ververs. Yet he was far, he could still remind himself, from supposing that she had been grossly remunerated.

The Ververs came on to Rome alone Charlotte, after their days with her in Florence, had decided about America. Maggie, I daresay, had helped her; she must have made her a present, and a handsome one, so that many things were easy. Charlotte left them, came to England, 'joined' somebody or other, sailed for New York.

The moments when he most winced were those at which he found himself believing that, really, futility would have been forgiven him. Even WITH it, in that absurd view, he would have been good enough. Such was the laxity, in the Ververs, of the romantic spirit. They didn't, indeed, poor dears, know what, in that line the line of futility the real thing meant.

The moments when he most winced were those at which he found himself believing that, really, futility would have been forgiven him. Even WITH it, in that absurd view, he would have been good enough. Such was the laxity, in the Ververs, of the romantic spirit. They didn't, indeed, poor dears, know what, in that line the line of futility the real thing meant.

"THAT!" replied the Princess, whose eyes, her companion now saw, had turned to an object on the chimney-piece of the room, of which, among so many precious objects the Ververs, wherever they might be, always revelled peculiarly in matchless old mantel ornaments her visitor had not taken heed. "Do you mean the gilt cup?" "I mean the gilt cup."

"THAT!" replied the Princess, whose eyes, her companion now saw, had turned to an object on the chimney-piece of the room, of which, among so many precious objects the Ververs, wherever they might be, always revelled peculiarly in matchless old mantel ornaments her visitor had not taken heed. "Do you mean the gilt cup?" "I mean the gilt cup."

My point is, at any rate, that I recall noticing at the time how the Prince was, from the start, helped with the dear Ververs by his wearing it. The connection became romantic for Maggie the moment she took it in; she filled out, in a flash, every link that might be vague.

The ground she could best occupy, to her sense, was that of her being moved, as in this connexion she had always been moved, by the admitted grossness of her avidity, the way the hospitality of the Ververs met her convenience and ministered to her ease, destitute as the Colonel had kept her, from the first, of any rustic retreat, any leafy bower of her own, any fixed base for the stale season now at hand.

That's what a creature of pure virtue exposes herself to when she suffers her pure virtue, suffers her sympathy, her disinterestedness, her exquisite sense for the lives of others, to carry her too far. Voila." "I see. It's the way the Ververs have you." "It's the way the Ververs 'have' me.

That's what a creature of pure virtue exposes herself to when she suffers her pure virtue, suffers her sympathy, her disinterestedness, her exquisite sense for the lives of others, to carry her too far. Voila." "I see. It's the way the Ververs have you." "It's the way the Ververs 'have' me.