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The man was of the emphatic type large-sized, active, bold and debonair in demeanour, vain beyond a doubt, slightly swaggering, ready and at ease. He was well-clothed, but with a shade too much ornateness. He was seeking a lawyer; but if that fact would seem to saddle him with troubles they were not patent in his beaming eye and courageous air. "My name is Gooch," at length the lawyer admitted.

That is true of all legislation which improves the conditions of life for the people. An educated, well-fed, well-clothed, well-housed people invariably leads to the growth of a numerous well-to-do class.

When I went dar I didn't hev a rag ter my back nary a rag, an' now jes see how I'se covered wid 'em!" There was a laugh from the crowd in which Berry joined heartily, rolling his eyes and contorting his limbs so as to show in the completest manner the striking contrast between his lank, stringy, meanly-clad frame and the full, round, well-clothed form of Nimbus.

For my part I have felt very forcibly one great law of nature, the law of self-preservation: the right to live when you have once been born, the right to food and to the pleasures of life, and I determined to survive at all costs. When my stomach is empty and my boots let in water, the mere sight of a replete and well-clothed man makes me feel like murder.

Now, could yon see them at nineteen and twenty-two able to read and write, well-clothed with their own honest earnings, having saved, in 1877, one hundred dollars; and this year, 1879, William is having $100 as wages, and Mary $60. They come from time to time to visit the Home. William is thinking of having a farm of his own. "A. B. Who was he?

And many of them enjoyed the first real respect for the Union that they had had for four years, when they met the well-fed and well-clothed Union soldiers, who did not seem as bad as they had been painted, the poorest one of which had more money in his pockets than the richest citizen of supposed wealth.

Bridger stopped and disinterred for her a quarter from his holiday waistcoat. On the next corner a quarter of a ton of well-clothed man with a rice-powdered, fat, white jowl, stood holding the chain of a devil-born bulldog whose forelegs were strangers by the length of a dachshund.

The owner of colored slaves pointed to his well-fed and well-clothed and happy people, merry in their cabins, and made a claim that was equally plausible; that these people are far better off and far happier than they could be in freedom. Their well-kept, happy, care-free condition did not make them freemen. They were slaves, though they may have been happy.

"There must be poor everywhere," Arnold replied, a little puzzled. She stared at him. "It is not your laws I would complain of," she said. "It is your individuals. Look at him a poor, shivering, starved creature, watching a constant stream of well-fed, well-clothed, smug men of business, passing always within a few feet of him. Why does he not help himself to what he wants?" "How can he?"

But we had no boarding nettings up, no guns loaded, no pistols in our belts, no cutlasses and pikes ready at hand; for the gospel ruled here. The canoes were filled with well-clothed, intelligent natives.