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For the one, those intellectual products are most true which, turning their face towards the absolute, come nearest to symbolizing its ways of uniting the many and the one. For the other, those are most true which most successfully dip back into the finite stream of feeling and grow most easily confluent with some particular wave or wavelet.

And with all his emotion at this sacred moment there mingled a sense of pride that his poet's instinct had divined true. "I am happy to know you, Mr. Druce. Mr. Ingram has just explained to me why he has brought you. I am so sorry to be the cause of your anger." Her voice was curiously soft, without the least ring or even suggestion of firmness; warm and yielding as a summer wavelet.

Whether or no India had need of him, he assuredly had need of her. And it was the very strength of that feeling which had given him pause. But now, at last, he knew beyond cavil that, for all his mind or was it his conscience? might haver and split straws, he had been drawn to Rajputana, as irresistibly as if that vast desert region were the moon and he a wavelet on the tidal shore.

Looking down, she could see through the wonderful transparency of the water, and the pebbles below it were bright as diamonds, and the sands were burnished like gold. And each tiny silent wavelet as it moved up toward the shore and lost itself at last in its own effort, stretched itself the whole length of the strand.

I could not bear to hear Miss Gresley patronized by all these failures and amateurs. But, unless I am very much mistaken, you will find several pitchforks laid up for you in the drawing-room." "I don't mean to smash any more china," said Rachel. Another wavelet skimmed in and broke a little further up the sand. A sense of freshness, of expectation was in the air.

Recovering herself with singular quickness, a bright smile dancing along the constantly changing curves of her lips, like sunbeams leaping from wavelet to wavelet, she once more leaned cordially toward him, and said in a gay yet pleading tone, "Let us talk of something else. Come, tell me about yourself all about yourself, nothing about me."

He undid the rope which secured the boat without any difficulty; he seated himself in it, laid aside the quiver and bow, pushed off with one of the oars that lay at the bottom of the boat and pulled with steady strokes towards the long path of light where the moon touched the crest of each dancing wavelet with unresting tremulous flecks of silver. There lay the widow's garden.

Every wavelet on the waters hushed itself asleep, and the whole surface of the lake was as a sea of polished glass. Rachel was the first to take alarm from this deadly calm, and she exclaimed: "This is unnatural, and means danger. Let us return at once."

The light that reaches us from above takes countless ages to traverse the awful chasm separating us from its parent star; yet it comes straight and true to our eyes, because each tender wavelet is linked to the other, receiving and transmitting the luminous ray.

Green, "one remotest corner or little inlet of the minute blood-vessels of the human body that does not feel some wavelet from the convulsions occasioned by a good hearty laugh." In medical terms, it stimulates the vasomotor centers, and the spasmodic contraction of the blood-vessels causes the blood to flow quickly.