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We are ahead of schedule in building warships but we are working to get even further ahead of that schedule. To change a whole nation from a basis of peacetime production of implements of peace to a basis of wartime production of implements of war is no small task.

They have them a war goin’ on down there; a man can always git ahead in wartime does he like soldierin’. But I weren’t sure ’bout goin’, till I found out as how I might jus’ be pushed out, anyway." "Why did you think that? Hunt Rennie’s always treated you as a real son, hasn’t he?" "Like a real son? Like his idea of a son, you mean. Work hardan’ havin’ books pushed at me.

Yes, holding up the Cadiz bank if and when any gold reached there, would appeal to the local irregulars, who might be so irregular as to be on the cold side of the law, even in wartime with the enemy their victim. Drew fitted one piece to another and thought he could guess the full pattern. Kirby looked from one to the other. Boyd was completely at a loss. A moment later the Texan spoke again.

It was part of that delirium of wartime psychology, which induces all belligerents to believe that no one but an enemy ever commits atrocities, and no one but an ally is capable of virtue. The possibility of air-raids had long been foreseen, and as early as the first October of the war the lights of London had been dimmed.

But our pay was barely enough to keep us from starving; and as I have always been fond of pleasure, and as the position in which we now were, in the midst of the capital, prevented us from resorting to those means of levying contributions which are always pretty feasible in wartime, I was obliged to adopt the only means left me of providing for my expenses: and in a word became the ORDONNANZ, or confidential military gentleman, of my captain.

Always he had refused to consent to her going, insisting that France in wartime was no place for an untrained girl. "If I can't go myself, I certainly am not going to send any knitting," she would spiritedly answer, but several times recently the sight of such charming looking knitting bags had tempted her into almost breaking her resolution.

Long after we are gone, perhaps, stray English tourists, wandering in Picardy, will see names scratched in a barn, some mark or notice on a door, some sign-post, some little line of graves, or hear, on the lips of a native, some slang phrase of English, learned long before in the wartime, in childhood, when the English were there. All the villages behind our front were thronged with our people.

In wartime a medical examination is soon over and an attestation paper filled up. "There's nothing wrong with you, my man," said the Medical Officer, "except that you're half drunk." "I bean't drunk, mister," protested Williams sleepily. "We'll take you at your word, anyhow," said the doctor. "You're too good a man physically to lose for the Army."