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Warington, who had just closed the eyes of his sister, went at once. He was now the last of his family, without any ties that he could not lawfully break. Within two days of his arrival in Paris, Madame d'Estrées had promised to marry him in three months, to break off all her Paris associations, and to give her life henceforward into his somewhat stern hands.

Alcoholic mercury iodo-chloride can probably be used with success in synthetical chemistry, as it allows determination of the free affinities of the molecule and conversion of unsaturated compounds into saturated chlorine-iodo addition products. Rundschau. By R. WARINGTON.

The night was getting dark, and the storm increased. To add to the anxieties of the skipper his crew of boys, though showing no funk, began to grow green about the gills, and presently Warington found himself in command of an entirely sea-sick crew.

In remarking upon the result of his experiments, Mr Warington observes: 'Thus we have that admirable balance sustained between the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and that in a liquid element.

She came to scold me for my behavior to say I was the talk of Venice. She! Of course I know what she means. She thinks if I am divorced she will lose her allowance and she can't bear the thought of that, though Markham Warington is quite rich. My heart just boiled within me. I told her it is the poison of her life that works in me, and that whatever I do, she has no right to reproach me.

Have you changed your house to Westbourne Grove? Believe me, my dear Wallace, yours very sincerely, This letter is so badly expressed that it is barely intelligible, but I am tired with proofs. P.S. Mr. Warington has lately read an excellent and spirited abstract of the "Origin" before the Victoria Institute, and as this is a most orthodox body he has gained the name of the devil's advocate.

Then another thought stung her; and with the most indifferent bow, triumphing in the evident offence that she was giving, she turned to Lord Magellan. "You'd like to see the Palazzo?" Warington at once offered himself as a guide. But Kitty declared she knew the way, would just show Lord Magellan the piano nobile, dismiss him at the grand staircase, and return. Lord Magellan made his farewells.

Harman had been reading Molière's Don Juan. The sentinel figure of Warington mingled in his imagination with the statue of the Commander. Or, again, he was tickled by a vision of Madame d'Estrées grown old, living in a Scotch house, turreted and severe, tended by servants of the "Auld Licht," or shivering under a faithful minister on Sundays.

And now we come to what I regard as the most important part of our hero's life. In the last chapter I said we should have to say something about B.-P.'s big brother, the sailor, Warington, named after his grandmother, who was a Warington of Waddon Park.

But the name and reputation of their designer will live as long as the history of naval construction is studied. The Engineer. At a recent meeting of the Manchester Association of Employers, Foremen, and Draughtsmen of the Mechanical Trades of Great Britain, an interesting lecture on "Gas for Light and Work in the Workshop" was delivered by Mr. T. Fletcher, F.C.S., of Warington. Mr.