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Then there is another prophecy of Mayence or Fiensberg, published in the Neue Metaphysische Rundschau of Berlin in February, 1912, in which the end of the German Empire is announced for the year 1913.

Vallentin, in the 'Deutsche Rundschau, from which it was copied into other leading German papers without any reference to its previous disproof in 1901. Now we will turn for a moment to the evidence of Miss Alice Bron, the devoted Belgian nurse, who served on both sides during the war and has therefore a fair standard of comparison.

To those who care to corroborate these hints with facts I recommend the reading of certain recent numbers of the hygienic Rundschau, a German technical magazine of repute.

A good account of these liberal movements during the nineteenth century is found in Vambéry, "Freiheitliche Bestrebungen im moslimischen Asien," Deutsche Rundschau, October, 1893; a shorter summary of Vambéry's views is found in his Western Culture in Eastern Lands, especially chap. v. Also, see articles by Léon Cahun, previously noted, in Lavisse et Rambaud, Histoire Générale, Vols. XI. and XII.

At least I judge so by the following translated extract from a criticism of an American work in the "Homoeopatische Rundschau" of Leipzig for October, 1878, which I find in the "Homoeopathic Bulletin" for the month of November just passed: "While we feel proud of the spread and rise of Homoeopathy across the ocean, and while the Homoeopathic works reaching us from there, and published in a style such as is unknown in Germany, bear eloquent testimony to the eminent activity of our transatlantic colleagues, we are overcome by sorrowful regrets at the position Homoeopathy occupies in Germany.

I have always enjoyed the sunshine, and have sat alone hundreds of snug hours before my winter’s companion, a small iron stove. During the last three nights I have repeatedly read through your article on Celsus, published in the Deutsche Rundschau, by a tallow-candle.

The German Press did its part to inflame a united German sentiment, and the Foreign Office, which believes in playing the game both ways when it is of advantage to do so, with characteristic thoroughness did not permit the American correspondents to cable to their papers the virulent lies, such as those in the Tagliche Rundschau, about the affair in general and President Wilson in particular.

At least I judge so by the following translated extract from a criticism of an American work in the "Homoeopatische Rundschau" of Leipzig for October, 1878, which I find in the "Homoeopathic Bulletin" for the month of November just passed: "While we feel proud of the spread and rise of Homoeopathy across the ocean, and while the Homoeopathic works reaching us from there, and published in a style such as is unknown in Germany, bear eloquent testimony to the eminent activity of our transatlantic colleagues, we are overcome by sorrowful regrets at the position Homoeopathy occupies in Germany.

My article, which called forth the letter of the Horseherd, was entitledThe ‘True History’ of Celsus,” in the July number of the Deutsche Rundschau, 1895, and, with a few corrections, is as follows:—

He would rejoice to see the letters of men and women who are all on his side, and give me clearly to understand that I should by no means imagine that I have refuted my unknown friend. The letter of Ignotus Agnosticus in the June number of the Deutsche Rundschau is a good example of these communications.