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We were forgetting the volatility of human nature." Far up on a peak among the birds and aeroplanes, in a roofed, shell-proof chamber, with a telephone orderly at his side, a powerful pair of field-glasses and range-finders at his elbow, and a telescope before his eye, Gustave Feller, one-time gardener and now acting colonel of artillery, watched the burst of shells over the enemy's lines.

As Robert Shiller has demonstrated in his tomes "Market Volatility" and "Irrational Exuberance", the volatility of stock prices exceeds the predictions yielded by any efficient market hypothesis, or by discounted streams of future dividends, or earnings. Yet, this finding is hotly disputed.

Changes in volatility as manifested in options and futures premiums are good predictors of shifts in sentiment and the inception of new trends. Some traders are contrarians. When the VIX or the NASDAQ Volatility indices are high signifying an oversold market they buy and when the indices are low, they sell.

He believes that volatility increases near the bottom, reflecting panic selling and decreases near the top, when investors are in full accord as to market direction. But most market players follow the trend. They sell when the VIX is high and, thus, portends a declining market. A bullish consensus is indicated by low volatility. Thus, low VIX readings signal the time to buy.

"No! anybody so light as that couldn't come down." "Well, toy balloon." "Toy balloon will do for the present," Mrs. March admitted. "But I feel that naught but herself can be her parallel for volatility." When Mrs.

She made the discovery with some alarm that Chip was becoming to her more and more the center of a group of memories. She was losing him. That is, she was losing him as an actuality; she was losing him as the pivot round which her life had swung, even since her knowledge of his great treason. She was no more appalled by the loss than by the perception of her own volatility.

They had carried her to the grave, and nothing would content me but to visit the spot three or four times a day, and to sit in the room in which she died, in stupid and mopeful silence, all night long. At this time I was only five years old, an age at which, in general, a deceased parent is quickly forgotten; but, in my attachment to my mother, I showed none of the volatility of childhood.

When with his arrival our little party of ten was complete, we crawled on hands and knees one by one to the shelter of a thicket that stood some fifty yards away, and then consulted in whispers how we were to shape our course. I have been many a time surprised to observe the strange volatility of sailormen.

Aluminum, however, seems exempt from this volatility. Hence, and for other reasons, it is generally used for electrodes. If, then, the phenomena in a high vacuum are due to the "electrode matter," the more volatile the metal used, the greater should be the effect. One electrode, A', is of pure silver, a volatile metal; the other, A, is of aluminum, practically non-volatile.

She was pretty, too a type of beauty less spiritual than her own with piquant, eager features, laughing, restless gray eyes, and light hair which escaped from her coquettish bonnet in airy ringlets. If they had met three years earlier Selma would certainly have regarded her as an incarnation of volatility and servility to foreign fashions.