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During the process of the work, which was performed none too gently by Jackson, Collins called out to his friends in the other valley, but there was no response. They were probably too busy with their plotting against the boys to hear the shouts. This business completed, Jimmie beckoned Ned aside. "Here's my idea," he said. "The Vixen's tanks didn't blow up when she burned and dropped.

Miss Virginia Carvel came down the steps in her riding-habit. And Ned, who had been waiting in the street with the horses, obsequiously held his hand while his young mistress leaped into Vixen's saddle. Leaving the darkey to follow upon black Calhoun, she cantered off up the street, greatly to the admiration of the neighbor.

Miss Malliver, who would hardly have been sorry had Vixen's throat been cut, rose in wrath, and would have swooped down the stair upon Richard. "Leave him to me, Malliver," said lady Ann, and rising, went down the stair.

Half a mile through the cool forest, the black dirt of the driveway flying from Vixen's hoofs, and there was the Colfax house on the edge of the, gentle slope; and beyond it the orchard, and the blue grapes withering on the vines, and beyond that fields and fields of yellow stubble. The silver smoke of a steamboat hung in wisps above the water.

But if you are surprised now, what will you be by the end of the day? See if his advice is not asked in at least fifty matters." "I'll count," said Henrietta: "what have we had already?" and she took out pencil and paper "Number one, the tea-chest; then the poor man, and the turnpike trust " "Vixen's puppies and the drill," suggested her mamma. "And Judith's money," added Henrietta. "Six already "

Instead, therefore, of continuing to jam the schooner as close into the wind's eye as she would sail, with the object of weathering out on the barque, we pointed the little vixen's jib-boom fair and square at the chase, checked the sheets and braces a few inches fore and aft, and put her along for all that she was worth.

The days were slow, and oh, how lengthy! and yet there was a fever in Vixen's blood which made it seem to her as if time were hurrying on at a breathless break-neck pace. "The day after to-morrow he will be married," she said to herself, on the morning of the thirtieth.

She shot out at the door with him, and clasped her hands before Mrs Plumstead, looking up piteously, as if to implore her to do Mr Hope no harm. Already, however, the vixen's mood had changed. At the first glimpse of Mr Hope, her voice sank from being a squall into some resemblance to human utterance. She pulled her cap forward, and a tinge of colour returned to her white lips.

'That little vixen's took a chicken, said Abel, after a time; 'that's the second. 'She only does it when I'm away, being clemmed, said Hazel pleadingly. 'Well, if she does it again, Abel announced, 'it's the water and a stone round her neck. So now you know. 'You durstn't. 'We'll see if I durst. Hazel fled in tears to the unrepentant and dignified Foxy.

And Ned, who had been waiting in the street with the horses, obsequiously held his hand while his young mistress leaped into Vixen's saddle. Leaving the darkey to follow upon black Calhoun, she cantered off up the street, greatly to the admiration of the neighbor. They threw open their windows to wave at her, but Virginia pressed her lips and stared straight ahead.