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If he brought any such thing home with him I never saw it, and to that I'll take my oath." But here another and still angrier voice a virago's broke in from the passage behind, demanding to know if the door was being kept open to invite the whole town. The child stood her ground on the doorstep. An instant later a hand reached out, clutched her it seemed by the hair and dragged her inside.

"Call me no names," she squalled, "though you do call yourself captain, or I'll call you the son of a " However Mistress Satchell intended to finish her objurgation it was not given to the company to learn, for Halfman tripped up her speech with a nimble interruption. "The son of a pike, so please you," he suggested, with a smile that softened the virago's heart.

He held his ground longer; and the dumb show he made was so energetic as to cause a laugh in the summer-house, in the midst of the uneasiness of his friends, and to call forth shouts of mirth from the crowd at the virago's heels. "That will not do. It will only exasperate her the more," said Mr Hope, pressing his way to the door. "Let me pass, will you?" "Oh, Mr Hope!

Then there is, it would also appear, a particular indignity, from the new virago's point of view, in the assumption that a woman's beauty is one of her great missions, or the supposition that she takes any such pride in it herself as man has from time immemorial supposed. No sensible woman, we have been indignantly assured, ever plays at Narcissus with her mirror.

"Press-gang be d d!" he growled, answering the virago's call of warning. "More likely a spree ashore. And where might you come from, young gentleman? And what might be your business to-night, breakin' into a private house?" I cast a wild look over the bevy of forbidding females and temporised, backing a little until my shoulder felt the door-post behind me.

She raves about 'coming up, if by doing so she could prevent so noble a creature from stooping too low, or save her from ruin. One reed to support another! I think I will contrive to bring her up. How comes it to pass, that I cannot help being pleased with this virago's spirit, though I suffer by it? Had I her but here, I'd engage, in a week's time, to teach her submission without reserve.

Lilly hurried up the stoop and pulled out the bell that rang dimly in one of those subterranean retreats peculiar to landladies. Mrs. McMurtrie herself opened the door, as usual her great hands steaming and swollen with suds. "Well?" she said, her arm immediately flung up to the virago's akimbo and her foot sliding in between the door.

He, unlucky man, had expected something little short of a virago's talons, and a beldame's curse; he had experienced on less occasions something of the sort before; but now that real affliction stood upon the hearth, Mary Acton's character rose with the emergency, and she greeted her ruined husband with a kindness towards him, a solemn indignation against those who grind the poor, and a sober courage to confront evil, which he little had imagined.

Perhaps, if he had been already in possession of the fortune and dignity which he expected on the morrow, he might have smiled contemptuously at the virago's noisy wrath, feeling nothing and caring even less what she felt towards him.

When, after dismissing the cab, they made their way across a long, filthy yard to the "virago's" lodging, the old man put on an utterly shamefaced and guilty air, and began timidly clearing his throat and clicking with his lips. "Borenka," he said in an ingratiating voice, "if my virago begins saying anything, don't take any notice . . . and behave to her, you know, affably.