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Fiesco, hard pressed by the strenuous Verrina, declares that his heart has been right all along; only he was resolved that Genoa's freedom should be his work and his alone.

Is this the valor that should punish tyrants? Well didst thou play thy part, Calcagno. Did none of you perceive that this alarm was my contrivance? Speak, Calcagno? Was it not my order that you should put these Romans to this trial? VERRINA. Well, if you can laugh I'll believe you or never more think you man. FIESCO. Shame on you, men! to fail in such a boyish trial!

CALCAGNO. I never saw you thus before Bertha is in tears, or your grief would have seemed to presage our country's ruin. VERRINA. Ruin! Pray sit down. CALCAGNO. My friend, I conjure you VERRINA. Listen to me. I have sad misgivings. VERRINA. Genoese! you both know the antiquity of my family. Your ancestors were vassals to my own.

"Yes, my lord," was the reply; "the resolution is sudden, But," he added, sinking his voice to a whisper, "a certain little blind god is at the bottom of it." "Ah! signor, you are in love!" said the marquis, laughing. "And therefore, I mean to turn honest man," observed Verrina, also laughing.

FIESCO. Man, thou art dreadful; yet I know not why I must follow thee. But once more embrace me, Fiesco. Fiesco! Fiesco! Thou makest a void in my bosom which all mankind, thrice numbered, could not fill up. Be still, my friend. VERRINA. Throw off this hateful purple, and I will be so. The first prince was a murderer, and assumed the purple to hide the bloody stains of his detested deeds.

"Never mind me, my lord!" said Piero faintly. "Haste and tell Verrina that our men fought well it was not their fault nor mine the nuns must have given the alarm " His voice had grown fainter as he spoke: and, while the marquis was endeavoring to raise him, he fell back again, and expired with the name of Carlotta upon his tongue.

"In a word, my business with thee is touching the diamonds of the Duchess of Arestino." "And my business with your lordship is touching the countess herself," observed Verrina, also in a cool and deliberate manner. "Ah!" cried the marquis, with a sudden start. "Yes, my lord. But this is no place for explanations on that head," added Stephano, glancing toward the Jew.

At the end of this corridor he knocked at another door, which was opened in a few moments by a man who had evidently been aroused from his slumber. "I bring a guest, Lomellino," said Verrina. "See that his lordship be well cared for." Stephano then retraced his way along the corridor, and Lomellino closed and bolted the iron door.

But while they were yet all inmates of that stronghold, this same bandit, whose name is Venturo, overheard the marquis inform Stephano Verrina that he intended to remain in Florence to obtain the liberation of a Jew who was imprisoned in the dungeons of the inquisition: and this Jew, Venturo also learnt by subsequent inquiry from Verrina, is a certain Isaachar ben Solomon."

Along the sunny bank of the limpid stream she sped; on, on toward a forest that bounded the valley at the further end, and rose amphitheatrically up toward the regions of the mountains! Stephano Verrina still pursued her, though losing ground rapidly; but still he maintained the chase.