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"Indeed?" "Abdallah Jack tells me that while I am here I should pay her a weekly salary, and that, in return, I shall see all the terrible ceremonies of the Arabs. I have decided to do so "Ah, you have decided!" For a moment Mr. Greyne started. There seemed a new sound in Mademoiselle Verbena's voice, a gleam in her dark brown eyes. "Yes," he said, looking at her in wonder.

And out of this changed situation came, unconsciously to herself, a deep contempt for her father and her brother, a sense that she was indeed as alien as the Wilmots so often alleged, in scorn of her and her shop; Verbena's income went to buy adornments for herself, dresses that would give the hands a fitting background; Estelle's earnings went to her mother, who distributed them, the old gentleman and Arden ignoring whence and how the money came.

On his one visit to the crumbling, weed-choked seat of the head of the house, he had seen Verbena's wonderful hands, so precious and so useless that had she possessed rings and deigned to wear them she would not have permitted the fingers of the one hand to put them on the fingers of the other. The legacy was five thousand dollars, at four per cent., an income of two hundred dollars a year.

To pieces picking the thorny roses culled from Hautia's gifts, and holding up their blighted cores, thus plumed and turbaned Yoomy sang, leaning against the mast: Oh! royal is the rose, But barbed with many a dart; Beware, beware the rose, 'Tis cankered at the heart. Sweet, sweet the sunny down, Oh! lily, lily, lily down! Sweet, sweet, Verbena's bloom! Oh! pleasant, gentle, musky bloom!

If one dim eye makes a man king among blind men to translate to the vernacular Verbena's elegant reasoning an income, however trifling, if it have no taint of toil, no stench of sweat upon it, makes its possessor entitled to royal consideration in a family of paupers and dead beats, degraded by harboring a breadwinner of an Estelle.

It was not right, and, doubtless, he must stand condemned by every moralist. But let it not be forgotten that he had fallen under the influence of a Levantine. Mademoiselle Verbena's mother, hidden in some unnamed hospital of Algiers, appeared to be one of those ingenious elderly ladies who can hover indefinitely upon the brink of death without actually dying. During the whole time that Mr.

"But there's the old gentleman, and Arden and Verbena!" Lorry's cheerfulness was not ruffled by this marshaling of the full and formidable Wilmot array. "It'd be a pleasure to Estelle to give them a shock, especially Verbena. Did you ever see Verbena's hands?" "I don't think so," replied Arthur; "but, of course, I've heard of them."

I shall take this opportunity also of improving my knowledge of African manners and and customs." A strange smile seemed to dawn for a second on Mademoiselle Verbena's face, but it died instantaneously in a grimace of pain. "My teeth make me bad," she said. "Ah, monsieur, I must go below, to pray for poor mamma " she paused, then softly added, "and for monsieur."