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Oh, that'll set fine, won't it, with a man comin' to buy a coal mine, and a girl with a pot of white vaseline on her face and a consumin' vision of tarantulas in her soul! This'll be another case of New Jersey Gold Mill. Old Mr. Eastern Capital, why, he'll run out at the same door wherein he went; that's what he'll do. And, oh, doctors and saints, look at that, now!"

Pirie Watson's case Radiogram by Dr. The treatment varies with the conditions present, and must include measures directed to the lesion from which the sinus has originated. The extent and direction of any given sinus may be demonstrated by the use of the probe, or, more accurately, by injecting the sinus with a paste consisting of white vaseline containing 10 to 30

In our diagram, which explains the apparatus, the four balls are seen at D, the inner and larger pair being partly immersed in vaseline oil, the outer and smaller pair being connected to the secondary or induced circuit of the induction coil C, which is represented by a wavy line.

You may not know it, but vaseline is made from paraffin oil, and it's well known that vaseline is an extraordinarily wholesome sort of stuff, good for almost anything in the way of a cut or a burn. Then there's a kind of emulsion made from petroleum that's the same as paraffin which cures consumption.

She asked Aldith to suggest something, and that young person thought that vaseline and sulphur mixed together, and spread over the afflicted member, would have the desired effect.

He begged some vaseline from his mother and rubbed it on the sore neck. Then he got two or three empty gunnysacks out of the corncrib, crawled under the house to a warm place beside the chimney and spread them out for a bed. He went into the house whistling; he didn't hear a word of the chapter his mother read out of the Bible. Before he went to bed in the shed-room, he raised the window.

Having discovered an interesting disease called Scaly Leg in the July number, I took the magazine out into the poultry-yard and identified the malady on three hens and a cock. Phoebe joined me in the diagnosis and we treated the victims with a carbolic lotion and scrubbed them with vaseline. As Phoebe and I grow wise in medical lore the case of Cannibal Ann assumes a different aspect.

"Got any vaseline," said the bad boy to the grocery man, as he went into the store one cold morning, leaving the door open, and picked up a cigar stub that had been thrown down near the stove, and began to smoke it. "Shut the door, dum you. Was you brought up in a saw mill? You'll freeze every potato in the house. No, I haven't got vaseline.

What do you want of vaseline?" said the grocery man, as he set the syrup keg on a chair by the stove where it would thaw out. "Want to rub it on Pa's legs," said the boy, as he tried to draw smoke through the cigar stub. "What is the matter with your Pa's legs? Rheumatiz?" "Wuss nor rheumatiz," said the boy, as he threw away the cigar stub and drew some cider in a broken tea cup.

The girl spots him, an' screams his name Count Vaseline it sounded like an' he shouts, 'Here we are, Valtaw' p'raps that was his way of sayin' Walter 'Got 'em, by You see after Hermione. I'll fix this Frenchman?" "Don't swear, George," remonstrated the driver's better half. "I'm not swearin'. Ain't I tellin' you what he said?" The point was waived. "And the lady's name was Hermione, was it?