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After contemplating him for a few seconds, he turned to me, and, inverting the mouth of an empty bottle, to prove satisfactorily that it was empty of the vieux cognac, which was marked on the label, laid it down beside him, saying, "Es muy boracho, Senor, pero es valiente."

Tomas was out of breath, but not so much so that he could not ejaculate, "Sus! Maria Santisima, Señorita!" in injured tones. Ciriaco, the cook, lay down on the floor and laughed. Later I heard him and Ceferiana agreeing that I was "muy valiente" October 25. In spite of the agua finecada and the boiled towel, Mrs. T 's cook has developed cholera.

DON PEDRO. También me lo creí yo ... y sólo cuando ella me hizo escribirle ayer aquella carta que le llevaste, fué cuando acabé de desengañarme. BRUNO. Valiente trabucazo fué la tal carta.

But suddenly he struggled to his feet, and, despite the grievously broken wing, whipped the big bully in a way to raise a cheer even from the hitherto indifferent Americans. As for the natives, they simply shouted themselves hoarse, and, contrary to all precedent, jumped down into the pit, throwing their sombreros on high and yelling vigorously, "Muy valiente gallo muy valiente!"

He lays the point of his sword between the bull's horns, as lightly as a lady who touches her cavalier with her fan, and he falls dead as a stone. If the blow is a clean, well-delivered one, the enthusiasm of the people is unbounded. Their approval comes up in a thunderous shout of "Well done! Valiente! Viva!" A brown shower of cigars rains on the sand.

The Chamorristas, it seemed, had been around pressing all the native men they could find into service against the Americans; and whilst we were here, two, who had been hiding all day in the bushes to avoid the conscription, came out and asked us to take them with us to Rivas, they preferring, if forced to take sides, to join el valiente Walker.

The unfortunate young man whose corpse lies here, instructed me, before he expired, to burn all the papers in his possession, and I have obeyed his injunctions. ''Curses on his infernal obstinacy! exclaimed General Valiente, 'but look you, Señor, I tell you I will search this desk. ''By what right? ''By the right of might.

"About three weeks ago," said he, "when you passed up here, I saw three men on board. Where are the other two?" I answered him briefly that the same crew was still on board. "But," said he, "I see you are doing all the work," and with a leer he added, as he glanced at the mainsail, "hombre valiente."

He kept on limping until he was touched a second time in the arm, but still he persevered with a dogged courage, when a third bullet struck him in the forehead, and he dropped with outspread arms, raising a little cloud of dust. He must have been stone-dead before he reached the ground. His conduct was "muy valiente," so said his Spanish comrades.

Let them only come to Finisterra, we are liberals there to a man, and the old valiente is ready to play the same part as in the time of the French.