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As lightly as a lady touches her cavalier, he seemed to touch Sandoval; but the brute fell like a stone at his feet. What a storm of vivas! What clapping of hands and shouts of 'valiente! And the ladies flung their flowers, and the men flung their hats into the arena, and Jarocho stepped proudly enough on them, I can tell you, though he was watching the door for the next bull."

Their example soon becomes contagious, and group after group chimes in with the uproarious chant. Listen! From the farthest extremity of the encampment comes a querying solo: "De todos los Generales cual es el valiente?" and from five hundred throats the response is thundered: "Mi General Paez con toda su gente!" Again the solo demands: "De todos los Generales cual es el major?"

It is to be hoped that the muy valiente gallo had his wing patched up and lived to tell his tale of bravery to many a barn-yard chick a war-scarred veteran whose honourable wound entitled him to the respect of all domestic fowl.

What makes you ask? inquired Pedro, quite disconcerted by the abruptness of my question. ''Because Señor Pride is dead, and General Valiente has twice been to his rooms. ''Dead! Señor Pride dead! echoed Pedro, in unfeigned astonishment. 'Caballero, I must be off. And he instantly turned away, and was soon lost to my sight.

"As for that matter," said Antonio, "I will take charge of them both. I am the valiente of Finisterra, and fear no two men living. Moreover, I am sure that the captain here will make it worth my while, else he is no Englishman. Therefore let us be quick and set out for Corcuvion at once, as it is getting late. First of all, however, captain, I must search you and your baggage.

'Taking my stand in front of the desk, I was protesting against the lawless act of violence, when the Secretary of the American Legation fortunately arrived. Finding his plans defeated, Valiente, with commendable prudence, decided on beating a retreat, and with his followers, took rather an abrupt departure.