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Tomas was out of breath, but not so much so that he could not ejaculate, "Sus! Maria Santisima, Señorita!" in injured tones. Ciriaco, the cook, lay down on the floor and laughed. Later I heard him and Ceferiana agreeing that I was "muy valiente" October 25. In spite of the agua finecada and the boiled towel, Mrs. T 's cook has developed cholera.

But the patients were very quiet. To-night at dinner Mr. C tasted his coffee and looked suspicious. In my capacity of boarding-house keeper, I was instantly alarmed and tasted mine. It seemed to have been made with agua finecada. Miss P said plaintively that she had as lief die of cholera as of carbolic acid poison. Neither Ciriaco nor Ceferiana could explain.

They conceded that the agua finecada was there, but could not say how. They were not much concerned, and seemed to regard it as a pleasing sleight-of-hand performance on their part. November 5. Only eighteen deaths to-day! If the decrease continue steady, we shall open school in a few days.

On being brought into the house they are washed in diluted carbolic acid, and rinsed in boiled rain water. Then the servant washes her hands in bichloride solution, peels the cucumber, slices it and lets it stand in vinegar till meal time. Dr. B says the vinegar is sure death to the shy bacillus. September 19. All the change is deposited in agua finecada when the servant comes in from market.

T 's the visitor is requested to scrape his feet in the chloride of lime at the foot of the stairs, and, on arriving at the top, is presented with a bowl of agua finecada, wherein to wash his hands. The towel has been boiled, and, of course, a fresh one is provided for each person. This is not so extravagant as it sounds. We Americans are few in number, and do but little visiting these days.