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It was unthinkable that one little slip of a girl untraveled and inexperienced should be able permanently to elude six determined and worldly adult New Yorkers, who were prepared to tax their resources to the utmost in the effort to find her, but the fact remained that she was missing and continued to be missing, and the cruel month went by and brought them no news of her.

They were pretty much what they were everywhere in Spain, and they were better everywhere than they were in Granada where we paid most for them. They were appetizing, and not of the cooking which the popular superstition attributes to Spain, where the hotel cooking is not rank with garlic or fiery with pepper, as the untraveled believe.

An American resident who went home to one of the States bordering on Canada for his vacation sat wiping the sweat out of his eyes there, when one of his untraveled countrymen observed: "You must feel very much at home in this heat after nine years in Mexico." Whereupon the sufferer arose in disgust, packed his bag, and sped south to mosquitoless coolness.

"Meantime, Hannah and Etta was visitin' the President that is to say, they was lookin' over the White House fence and sayin' 'My stars! and 'Ain't it elegant! Nights, when the sightseein' was over, what they did mostly was to gloat over how mean and jealous they'd make the untraveled common tribe at sewin' circle feel when they got back home.

He shouted as he rode under the towering pines, raced across a clearing with a whoop that roused the echoes, and yelled for sheer delight in the mad ride through the untraveled forest, where, as the knights of old, he rode forth to conquer and to do. But a sudden, sharp, acrid whiff of vapor in his nostrils checked his riotous impulses.

For this "divinity student" was a young man of parts and character, though as yet, of course, untraveled; and on this trip the first time he had seen any country but his own and little Switzerland the huge scale of things somewhat bewildered him. It was one thing, he realized, to hear about primeval forests, but quite another to see them.

We wish to excite the envy of our untraveled friends with our strange foreign fashions which we can't shake off. All our passengers are paying strict attention to this thing, with the end in view which I have mentioned. The gentle reader will never, never know what a consummate ass he can become, until he goes abroad.

We were in a section now where the Indians never go, owing to the character of the river a section that is wholly untraveled and unhunted. After leaving Indian House Lake, as we descended from the plateau, the weather grew milder.

To the child, the genius with imagination, of the wholly untraveled, the approach to a great city for the first time is a wondering thing. Particularly if it be evening that mystic period between the glare and gloom of the world when life is changing from one sphere or condition to another. Ah, the promise of the night. What does it not hold for the weary!

The open sleeves of her skin blouse fell away from her arms, which had grown gently rounded since I saw her first. I could not see her eyes, but she looked somewhere off into the untraveled west, the west that was the portal of my enterprise. What was her thought? I must not let myself trap it unaware. I gave a long, low call; the call of the loon as he skirts the marshes in the twilight.