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"I knew they would have, Benny; and I haven't been needed, I'm sure, your mother's here." Mrs. Harriet bridled, but did not look unpleased. "But, say, Jim," breathed Miss Flora, "ain't it wonderful ain't it perfectly wonderful?" "It is, indeed, very wonderful," replied Mr. Jim A Babel of eager voices arose then, but Mr. Smith was not listening now. He was watching Mr.

"Another floating tree-trunk for Waldo!" he cried, with a short laugh, feeling far from unpleased that the intense strain upon his nerves should be thus lessened. "Try it again, lad, and perhaps " "Try your great-grandmother's cotton nightcap! Don't you suppose I can tell the difference between a tree and a "

"I am no dainty maid of Quebec to whom such courtesy is due." I stood and faced him, not unpleased to mark the anger in his eyes. "Not always have you shown yourself so considerate." "Why blame me for the act of La Barre?" "The act would never have been considered had you opposed it, Monsieur. It was your choice, not the Governor's." "I would wed you yes; but that is no crime.

It was a lull in the storm of the Douglas crisis, and the old judge, eager enough to see his son associated with anything rational, was not unpleased with its appearing as a pledge of better things.

I thought no longer, ere I spoke, if this sentiment should make me ridiculous, or that sentiment too readily display my fondness, but spoke out as one in a mere gallantry. At first she was half alarmed at the new mood I was in, shrinking from this, my open revelation, and yet, I could see, not unpleased altogether that she should be the cause of a change so much to my advantage.

And what's more," she continued, "I am not certain whether he meant to, or not. To be sure, I didn't give him much time." "Did you, propose, then? Cecil, if you don't wish me to disbelieve my own senses, tell me at once what you were about in the summer-house." "Refusing eight thousand a year," was the short reply. A puzzled, not unpleased expression, was dawning.

"You perhaps don't know," continued Kate, "but you can't help being fascinating to men; you know you are, and Ranald believes you so, and and you ought to be quite straightforward with him!" Poor Kate could no longer command her voice. "There, now," said Maimie, caressing her friend, not unpleased with Kate's description of her; "I'm going to be good.

Upon one of these steps Tansey seated himself and bethought him of his love, and how she might never know she was his love. And of Mother Peek, fat, vigilant and kind; not unpleased, Tansey thought, that he and Katie should play cribbage in the parlour together. For the Cut-rate had not cut his salary, which, sordidly speaking, ranked him star boarder at the Peek's.

However, I believe that the prayers of some one have sustained and kept me in health, because all Bologna thought I should never bring it to a proper end." We can see that Michelangelo was not unpleased with the result; and the statue must have been finished soon after the New Year. However, he could not leave Bologna.

Miss Mary, with a new cap on to do justice to the occasion, had sat for hours with Gilian at the window, waiting; the Cornal was in bed, and the Paymaster, dubious but not unpleased, was up at MacGibbon's telling the story over a game of dambrod. And still Nan did not appear.