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It was impossible to explain to him that she had been helping him to make hay that evening in Lady Sarah Maitland's parlours, and that that was why the name that she had heard so frequently in the meadow had left her lips so easily and naturally that night. Better try and seem unconscious. But unconsciousness, like happiness, comes unsought or not at all.

The metaphysical question, whether the soul as a spiritual substance is capable of being wholly inactive, or whether it is not in what seem the moments of profoundest unconsciousness partially awake the question so warmly discussed by the Cartesians, Leibnitz, etc. need not detain us here. Of more interest to us are the psychological and the physiological discussions.

"I told him that his very words implied the refusal of his being to accept nonentity again; that they expressed, or adumbrated, the conception of an eternal consciousness of the eternal unconsciousness he imagined himself longing for. I'm not so sure they did, now." "Of course they did. And then what did he say?"

Once, she asked me, quite civilly, to send round the ice; she even saluted me on the third day out with a polite "Good-morning, doctor." I behaved like a high-class consultant, who expects to be made Physician in Ordinary to Her Majesty. At lunch that day, Hilda played her first card with delicious unconsciousness apparent unconsciousness; for, when she chose, she was a consummate actress.

"That's just it, Rosey," returned Abner Nott with sublime unconsciousness, "photographs and love letters you can't sell for cash, and I don't mind givin' 'em away, if they kin make a feller creature happy." "But, father, have we the RIGHT to give 'em away?" "They're collateral security, Rosey," said her father grimly.

'My goodness me! said Mary, adjusting the tucker, and feigning unconsciousness, 'you seem to have grown very fond of it all at once. To this Mr. Weller only replied by a wink, the intense meaning of which no description could convey the faintest idea of; and, sitting himself down beside Mary on a window-seat, opened the letter and glanced at the contents.

This is with many the reason why, and the mode in which, the conflict is endured to the end." "But the beginning," said Margaret; "what can be the beginning of this wonderful experience?" "The same with that of all the most serious of our experiences levity, unconsciousness, confidence.

And they had their reward; for in this little cabin, where supper was served, a drama was going on between the cook and the two waiting-maids and the cabin boy, a drama of love and coquetry and jealousy and hope deferred, quite as important to those concerned as any of the watering-place comedies, and played with entire unconsciousness of the spectators.

And when I doze over that, I beat my head with my knuckles in order to drive sleep away. Somewhere I read of a man who was afraid to sleep. Kipling wrote the story. This man arranged a spur so that when unconsciousness came, his naked body pressed against the iron teeth. Well, I've done the same.

She remembered what Ainley had hinted at about Stane and Miskodeed, and what others had plainly thought; and as she stood there it seemed almost an offence to her that the name should be mentioned to her even in the unconsciousness of delirium.