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The cart was driven by a Mexican in leather breeches and jacket over a red shirt. Behind him rode the boy and girl Drew had seen in the Tubacca alley, mounted on rangy, nervous horses that had speed in every line of their under-fleshed bodies. Each rider trailed four spare mounts roped nose to tail. "Buenos días, Don Cazar."

MeI’m Crow Fenner; I ride scout fur th’ train. An’ these herethey’re Rennie’s Pimas, what o’ ’em is runnin’ th’ trail this trip." So these were the famous Pima Scouts! No wonder they took their ease in the Tubacca plaza.

A prospector he had grub-staked, found the Oro Cruz, one of the richest mines in the Tubacca hills. Rennie owned two freighting lines, one carrying goods to California, the other up from Sonora. And his headquarters in the fertile Santa Cruz Valley was a ranch which was also a fort, a fort even the Apaches avoided after they had suffered two overwhelming defeats there.

But Shannon still stood in the doorway, and short of walking straight into him there was no way for Drew to leave. Johnny was smiling a littlejust as he had back in Tubacca in Topham’s office before the race. "Seems like you’ve got you a four-legged gold mine there, Kirby," he said. "Better keep your eyes peeledgold claims have been jumped before in this country.

"He’s good stuff, tooserved in the cavalry...." Kells studied the young man by the mule. Cavalry saddle on the stud, two Colt pistols belted high and butt forward, and that military cord on his hatarmy boots, too. The liveryman knew the signs. This was not the first veteran to drift into Tubacca; he wouldn’t be the last either.

But once such a gun is broken, where can they get another? They cannot walk into Tubacca or Tucson to buy what they need. Kitchell’s men do, perhapsit is thought that they do so. Also when he trades at the border it is with men who would meet the Apaches with fire and bullets. Apache war parties are never large.

He had had no occasion to open any of those pockets since he had left Tubacca the first time. Now, to take his mind off immediate discomfort, he tried to estimate by touch alone how many coins still remained in the two pockets. The middle section of the three divisions held his papers.

Ain’t too many men as goes round Tubacca throwin’ out good money thataway. ’Less it’s ringin’ down on th’ bar, or slidin’ ’cross some table ’cause they found out as how they was holdin’ Jacks against some other fella’s Kings. You want anythingyou jus’ holler, Mister Kirby!" "Mister?" Drew thought he did not have the advantage of Callie by more than four or five years. "OhCaptain Kirby, maybe?

The filly was resting in the straw, her match-stick legs folded under her, and the mare was munching the extra feed of oats the Kentuckian had tipped in for her. He could hear the sound of other running feet outside. It would seem that all Tubacca was turning out to welcome the wagon train of traders from the south. Drew’s curiosity got the better of him. He went on out to the plaza.

He had planned it this wayno demands, no claims on a stranger, freedom to make the decision of when or how he would see his father; that was the only path he could take. But now he turned slowly away from that open door, the light, the laughter and singing, and walked back toward the stable, loneliness cutting into him. Tubacca had slumbered apathetically before; now the town was wide awake.