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Send for the wagon and take these men over to our station house. Get every bit of paper and the records. We had better look around in that private office first before we go after Trubus." They finished the demolition of the door and entered. "What's this arrangement?" queried Sawyer, puzzled, as he looked at the automatic pencil box.

William Trubus Riverside Drive." The girl's expression was curious; she remembered Bobbie's description of the husband. It hardly seemed possible that such a man could be blessed with so sweet a wife and daughter but such undeserved blessings seem too often to be the unusual injustice of Fate in this twisted, tangled old world, as Mary well knew. "All right, Mrs.

After you have all this prepared, Mary, you must start the mechanism going, and then get the reproduction of the conversation as it comes on the dictagraph." "All right, father but how shall we get it there without Mr. Trubus knowing about it? He is very watchful of that room." Barton patted Bobbie's broad shoulder, with a confident smile. "I think Officer 4434 can devise a way for that.

But the policemen and the firemen of New York City can tell a different story of the value of our alien population of more than two million! In a few days, when an afternoon's relief allowed him the time, Officer 4434 decided to visit the renowned William Trubus. He found the address of that patron of organized philanthropy in the telephone book at the station house.

"None of your business," snapped Burke, who recognized the fiancé, Ralph Gresham. "Don't you sauce me I'll find out myself." The butler bowed as Gresham approached. "Come in, sir. Miss Trubus is hexpecting you, sir. This person is wyting to see Mr. Trubus, sir." Gresham, with an angry look at the calm policeman, went inside. The door shut.

Trubus, that before you and your clergy can do any good with people's souls you've got to take more care of their bodies. You've got to clean out some of the rotten tenement houses which some of your big churches own. I've seen them breeding places for tuberculosis and drunkenness, and crime of the vilest sort.

"Take them into the cells, and we'll have them arraigned at Night Court. Make out the full reports now, men." The prisoners were led out. Trubus turned and begged with Sawyer for a little time. "Let me tell my wife," he pleaded. "I don't want any one else to do it." "You stay just where you are, until I am through with you.

A headquarters for the gang?" asked Bobbie, as he hesitated with Lorna in his arms. "No, just the same kind of joint we've raided so many times, and we've got hundreds more to raid," answered Sawyer. "I've found the receipts for the rent here, and they've been paying about five times what it is worth. The man who owns this house is your friend Trubus. This links him up once more.

Twenty-five dollars a week for a telephone girl!" "There, my dear, it is quite natural. She is especially tactful and worth it," said Trubus, in embarrassment. "You are not exactly tactful yourself, my dear, to nag me in front of an employee. As the Scriptures say, a gentle wife...." Mrs.

I've broken the letter of the rules by forbidding him to telephone anyone until you came. I guess it is important enough, in view of our discovery, for me to have done this he can call up his lawyer as soon as we have confronted him with Clemm and this young girl. Bring me the phonograph records." They went into his private office, where White was guarding Trubus.