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Year after year, old Parkyn, his tenant, took the rent of Tremenhuel out of his right pocket and paid it into his left: and in time, there being no heir, he just took over the property and stepped into Cardinnock's shoes with a 'by your leave' to nobody, and there his grandson is to this day." "What became of the young lady of Miss Cicely Williams?" I asked. "Died an old maid.

Close beside the body they afterwards turned up a silver snuff-box, with the word "Fui" on the lid. "Fui" was the motto of the Cardinnocks, who held Tremenhuel before it passed to the Parkyns. There seems to be no doubt that these are the bones of the last Squire, who disappeared mysteriously more than a hundred years ago, in consequence of a love affair, I'm told.

By the way, clay has been discovered on the Tremenhuel Estate, just at the back of the "Indian Queens": at least, I hear that Squire Parkyn is running a Company, and is sanguine. You remember the tarn behind the inn? They made an odd discovery there when draining it for the new works. In the mud at the bottom was imbedded the perfect skeleton of a man. The bones were quite clean and white.

"There's not much to tell," he answered, taking a chair; "and I'm not the man to tell it properly. My wife is a better hand at it, but" here he looked at me doubtfully "it always makes her cry." "Then I'd rather hear it from you. How did Tremenhuel come into the hands of the Parkyns? that's the present owner's name, is it not?" The landlord nodded. "The answer to that is part of the story.

Old Parkyn, great-great-grandfather to the one that lives there now, took Tremenhuel on lease from the last Cardinnock Squire Philip Cardinnock, as he was called. Squire Philip came into the property when he was twenty-three: and before he reached twenty-seven, he was forced to let the old place.

As he spoke it, I knew this name Cardinnock for that which had been haunting me. I seated myself at table, saying "They lived at Tremenhuel, I suppose. Is the family gone? died out?" "Why yes; and the way of it was a bit curious, too." "You might sit down and tell me about it," I said, "while I begin my dinner."

"May be: Belonged to these parts before I can mind." "What's the place called?" "Tremenhuel." I had certainly never heard the name before, nevertheless my lips were forming the syllables almost before he spoke. As he flicked up his grey horse and the gig began to oscillate in more business-like fashion, I put him a fourth question a question at once involuntary and absurd.

When matters got desperate and he was forced to let Tremenhuel, he took what money he could raise and cleared out of the neighbourhood for a time; went off to Tregarrick when the militia was embodied, he being an officer; and there he cast his affections upon old Sir Felix Williams's daughter. Miss Cicely "