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While they are on their way, with Katy in her best muslin, you must take as an entr'acte a brief peep at New York's Bohemia. 'Tonio's restaurant is in Bohemia. The very location of it is secret. If you wish to know where it is ask the first person you meet. He will tell you in a whisper.

He's always so utterly alone and without love, and now he thinks he has found a friend, and the friend betrays him ..." Hans Hansen cast a sidelong glance into Tonio's face, and something in that face must surely have won him over to this subject, for he suddenly thrust his arm into Tonio's again and asked, "Why, how does he betray the king, Tonio?" Tonio was stirred to action.

Why, there had been great doings up on the Mogollon. Old Gray Fox himself had taken the field and was out with all the horsemen from Whipple and Sandy, and Stannard had joined them, and they were ripping up the Tonto country in a way that bade fair to wind up the war. How had he heard? Why, runners Apache-Mohaves 'Tonio's people.

'Tonio had told it not even to Harris. "The mountain eagle is 'Tonio's friend; the bear, the lynx, the birds are his brothers." "Then you knew the Apache Mohaves were in the Verde Valley and in Dead Man's Cañon as late as last week that they had raided Stoner's Ranch?" "They were not there, nor did they raid Stoner's Ranch! My people stayed not even on the East Fork.

Moreover, as the Indians finally moved away, Bright and Harris both escorting 'Tonio, there were emissaries of the agency at their heels, for in 'Tonio's train walked both Ramon and Alvarez, on whom it might be well to keep an eye. But 'Tonio's trial "'Tonio's triumph," as Blake declared it was not yet over for the day.

But to his mother, his beautiful mother with the black hair, whose name was Consuelo and who was altogether so different from the other ladies of the town, because Tonio's father had once fetched her from clear down at the bottom of the map to his mother his reports were absolutely immaterial.

But Archer had one more question to ask, and asked it, and when it was answered the council broke up with no man dissenting from the general belief in 'Tonio's attempted, yet baffled, revenge. "Did 'Tonio tell you of what happened later of his attempt to shoot at Lieutenant Willett?" "Not a word or sign of that, sir!"

There was impressive silence in the dimly lighted mess room as the impromptu council sat about the table, Turner, with the relics of his hearty supper, at the other end of it. Every man present seemed to feel that here at last the clew to 'Tonio's double dealing was to be found. The answer came readily enough: "At Bennett's Ranch, sir, the night it was burnt." "Why what happened there?"

The children, meanwhile, were sleeping soundly in their hard bed. They were so tired that they did not wake up even when a tiny stream of water broke through a crevice in the rocks and splashed down on Tonio's head. It ran off his hair just as the rain ran off the thatched roof of their little adobe hut. About nine o'clock the rain stopped and the moon shone out from behind the clouds.

'Tonio had been taken to hospital on his arrival, kindly, skilfully cared for by the young post surgeon, while the couriers had been sent on to Prescott. 'Tonio's wound was a knife slash in the left arm, and another in the side. He had lost much blood and had little left to build up with.