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Clare sprang up; and Tommy, urged on the one side by the fear of the drunken smith, and drawn on the other by the dread of being abandoned by Clare, climbed shuddering after him. "Mind the water-but, Clare!" he gasped; "an' gi' me a hand up." Clare had already turned on the top of the wall to help him. "Now let me go first!" said Tommy, the moment he had his foot on it. "I know how to get down."

But a doubt about the propriety of everlasting lemonade for a widow with much knowledge of the world, stopped her. "I vote we all have grenadines," said Nick. Grenadine was agreeable to Audrey's ear, and everyone concurred. The ordering was always summarised and explained by Musa in a few phrases which, to Audrey, sounded very different from the French of Tommy and Nick.

"Yes," said Ralston. "It wasn't my fault, was it?" said Tommy uneasily. "I couldn't stop him talking." "He'd have died anyhow," said Ralston. "It's a wonder he ever got here if he was shot in the jungle as he must have been. That means probably that the brutes have started their games to-night. Odd if he should be the first victim!" Tommy shuddered uncontrollably. Ralston gripped his arm.

The most of them are looking for help from one of their gods who rides on a Golden Fish. They expect he will be forced to rescue them from this miserable reef through the offerings of one of their priests." "A God that rides on a Golden Fish? I'd like to see him," said Willy. "You are right about advising them to be baptized. We may all perish here before Tommy gets back with help.

Tommy answered, "that he must own it did not do him any hurt, or give him any pain." "Why, then," said Mr Barlow, "I do not see the justice of your returning it in that manner." "But," said Tommy, "it is so provoking to be laughed at!"

The duchess, in despair, even tried reminding him in a whisper of the remarks he had made in the shop; but Tommy only winked at her and put his claw over his beak. Still, she enjoyed his flushed and scarlet appearance, and retired to rest hopeful and in no wise regretting her bargain.

I am not so rich as you, Tommy. I have no father nor mother," and for the moment Hector, too, looked sad. The little fellow became more cheerful under the influence of Hector's kind and sympathetic words. Our hero, however, was catechised about his sudden intimacy with the new scholar. "I see you've got a new situation, Roscoe," said Bates, when Hector was walking away. "What do you mean?"

Mr Barlow, therefore, turned towards him with the greatest kindness, and taking him tenderly by the hand, inquired what he wished. "Indeed," answered Tommy, almost crying, "I am scarcely able to tell you. But I have been a very bad and ungrateful boy, and I am afraid you no longer have the same affection for me." Mr Barlow.

Miss Elting believed that the girl had succeeded in reaching the bank of the river. Jane had thrown herself down beside the unconscious guide and was at work making heroic efforts to bring him back to consciousness. The driver already was struggling to get to his feet. Tommy hopped up, and, hurrying to him, gave such assistance as her strength would permit.

"God bless you, my dear!" he said. It was from the Colonel himself that Stella heard of Everard's retirement. He walked back from the Mess that night with Tommy and asked to see her for a few minutes alone. He was always kinder to her in his wife's absence.