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The latter said something which the former eagerly construed into an insult, and to which he replied by knocking him down. Tims had then interfered, and led Barton into another room, leaving Ginsling to stagger to his feet as best he could.

At length leaning forward with a dimpling smile, she interrogated very politely and quite lucidly. "Pardon me, sir, you are ? Ah, the doctor, no doubt! My poor head, you see!" and she drew her fingers across her forehead. Tims started, and grabbed her wig, as was her wont in moments of agitation. She stood transfixed, the teacup at a dangerous angle in her extended hand.

"Of course they are, M. What do you want with more?" "Are they in the fashion?" asked Milly, anxiously. Tims stared. "Fashion! Good Lord, M.! What does it matter whether you look the same as every fool in the street or not?" "Oh, Tims!" cried Milly, laughing that pretty rippling laugh so strange in Tims's ears. "I was quite right when I made a mistake, you're just like a man. All the better.

And in the instant she reflected that what she said was true. "I am going to the Gorings'." The difference between that and the exact truth was only the difference between the plural and the singular. "Don't go, old girl," said Tims, earnestly. "Come back to Tony with me and wait till Ian comes home."

But, O squire! how could you stay from us so long, and let us be tempted by that fiend of the pit, Rufinn? we should have followed you through flood and fire, to be sure. 'Rufin! I assure you, Houghton, you have been vilely imposed upon. 'I often thought so, said Houghton,'though they showed us your very seal; and so Tims was shot and I was reduced to the ranks.

"Look here, old girl," said Tims at last, when they reached for the second time the seat under the willow trellis, "I'm going to sit down here, unless you'll come to tea at Boffin's." "I don't want to sit down," returned Mildred, seating herself; "or to have tea or anything. I want to be just going, going, going. I feel as though if I stop for a minute something horrid will happen."

When the 'Gazette' appeared in which Waverley was superseded, great part of his troop broke out into actual mutiny, but were surrounded and disarmed by the rest of the regiment In consequence of the sentence of a court-martial, Houghton and Tims were condemned to be shot, but afterwards permitted to cast lots for life.

Things will come back to you soon and I'll help you all I can. Do try and recollect me Tims." There was an unmistakable choke in Tims's voice. "We have been such chums. The others are all pretty nasty to me sometimes they seem to think I'm a grinning, wooden Aunt Sally, stuck up for them to shy jokes at.

"I admit it seems rather hard, and may involve some suffering, and I am sorry we have to resort to such means to accomplish our ends; but the temperance fanatics have driven us to this, and upon them rests the responsibility." "If that is your game, gentlemen, you can count me out," remarked Bill Tims.

There was scarcely a person among them but had his or her own notion as to who it was. Tims Halvor thought it was old Eva Gunnersdotter. The strange cart accompanied them all the way, but not once did the woman draw the shawl back from her face. To some of the Hellgumists she became a person they loved, to others one they feared, but to most of them she was some one whom they had deserted.