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"Ugh! Burglars. How how silly of them to come here! It's so disturbing, and I do dread having the police in. I wish you wouldn't look so ghastly over it, Tidman. Come, suggest something." But Tidman don't seem to be a good suggester. "Both hands in his hair. Oh!" he mutters. "It's not your hair," sputters Waldo. "And saying idiotic things like that doesn't help. Not a bit.

"Both, I think," says Tidman. "He he has almost ruined my career." "Pulls the Black Hand stuff on you, eh?" says I. Tidman groans. "I lost two positions because of him," says he. "It is only when he gets desperate that he hunts me up. I hadn't seen him for over two years until this morning. I'd been out for a walk, and he must have followed me.

"Why, ye-e-es," says Tidman; "but what " "You're goin' to reward her for sittin' on Cousin Ralph so long," says I. "Give her one of the fives. You can slip the other to him as we shoo him through the back door. Now, let's go relieve Mrs. Flynn." From the rough way we collared Ralph and led him off, she must have thought we was headin' him straight for Sing Sing.

The tutor sure was takin' it hard. His thin, bony fingers are clutchin' the chair arm desperate, clammy drops are startin' out on his brow, and his narrow-set eyes are starin' at Peters. "She's such a heavy female Mrs. Flynn," groans Tidman. "Right on his chest, too!" "Better that than having him wake us up in the middle of the night flourishing firearms and demanding valuables," says Waldo.

"But, really, I I don't know what to do," says Waldo. "I I'm all upset. Of course, if you insist on the land " "That's talkin'!" says I. "My guess is that it won't take long. Suppose you and Peters go back upstairs. You can leave Tidman, though." "You you're sure it is safe?" asks Waldo. "Look at that grip of Mrs. Flynn's," says I. After one skittish glance, Waldo does a quick exit.

At that, though, Peters beat him to it. "Tidman," says I, when they're gone, "we'll step out towards the back a ways and consult. Hold him a minute longer, Mrs. Flynn." "I I don't see why I should be dragged into this," whines Tidman, as I leads him towards the rear. "Never mind," says I. "We're goin' to clear this all up right away. Now, who is he, Tidman? Black-sheep brother, or what?"