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It was Johnny 's dodged out o' the ticket-office to tell me the minute the train stopped, 'n' I d'n' know but I'd be there yet f'r I was clean struck all in a heap only a man jus' behind jammed me with a case o' beer 't he was bringin' home.

Henry had paid the entire bill at the Grand Hotel, had lent Tom a sovereign, another sovereign, and a five-pound note, and would certainly have been mulcted in Tom's fare on the expensive train de luxe had he not sagaciously demanded money from Tom before entering the ticket-office. Without being told, Henry knew that money lent to Tom was money dropped down a grating in the street.

He met Winifred's lover, coming from the ticket-office a gentleman high-bred and handsome in every line, a scholar by his appearance, a good man by his eyes, a good companion by his smile.

All hours of the twenty-four are alike to Orientals, and their passenger traffic is regulated accordingly. 'This is where the fire-carriages come. One stands behind that hole' Kim pointed to the ticket-office 'who will give thee a paper to take thee to Umballa. 'But we go to Benares, he replied petulantly. 'All one. Benares then. Quick: she comes! 'Take thou the purse.

Talking of Billy Lusk if Lin was busy with gathering the cattle, why not send Billy down to stop quietly with her. She would make him a bed in the ticket-office, and there she would be to see after him all the time. She knew Lin did not like his adopted child to be too much in cow-camp with the men.

If he is in the ticket-office you may be able to wake him he may be awake. The Special can't pass there for ten minutes yet. Don't stare at me. Call Rucker, hard." O'Neill seized the key and tried to sound the Rucker call. Again and again he attempted it and sent wild. The man that could hold a hundred trains in his head without a slip for eight hours at a stretch sat distracted.

Several of the recruits came in hastily, accompanied by two Zouaves. They were wet, and looked dazed and tired out. Grasping their bags and bundles they went towards the platform. A train glided slowly in, gleaming faintly with lights. Domini's trunks were slammed down on the weighing machine, and Suzanne, drawing out her purse, took her stand before the shining hole of the ticket-office.

Dickens's voice is heard with ease in every part of the hall. But let them feel as they may, those who did not hear are sure to go again, and if they hear the next time, again and again. Let the future reader of this odd number of a magazine learn further that such was the popular eagerness to attend these readings that people gathered before light to stand in the line of the ticket-office.

'I'm afraid I haven't got one, Alice said in a frightened tone: 'there wasn't a ticket-office where I came from. And again the chorus of voices went on. 'There wasn't room for one where she came from. The land there is worth a thousand pounds an inch!

"I'm your friend, Tom Drake and you know it," Saunders gasped. "I'm your daughter's friend, too. I'm sufficiently interested in her not to let you soil her good name as you are trying to do to-night. She is innocent, I tell you, and you are a coward to " "You say you say " Several by-standers at the ticket-office and hotel, attracted by the combat, were approaching. "Go back!"