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That night he wrote against time, and next morning, just as the vessel was drifting from the dock, a strong hand flung his bulky manuscript aboard and his great beat was sure. The three-column story, published in the "Sacramento Union" of July 9, gave the public the first detailed history of the great disaster. The telegraph carried it everywhere, and it was featured as a sensation.

She had been arrested and locked up, so that she might write a three-column account, for the Sunday edition of the Argus, of 'How Women are Treated at Police Headquarters. The editor looked upon her as one of the most valuable members of his staff, and she was paid accordingly.

A few weeks after that I read of a great fraud engineered in Central America and there was a three-column portrait in the paper of the man at the bottom of it my brother. That opened my eyes. When next he came to me he was audacious enough to do it within the year I charged him with living by fraud. He laughed in my face and admitted it.

"Jolter," he directed crisply, turning again to the 'phone, "kindly step into my office, will you?" A moment later, while Sharpe stood wondering, Jolter came in, and grinned as he noted Bobby's visitor. "Mr. Jolter," asked Bobby, "have we a good portrait of Mr. Sharpe?" Jolter, still grinning, stated that they had. "Have a three-column half-tone made of it for this evening's Bulletin."

The three-column scare-head over their bitterly partisan "story" ran thus: POOR BOY KICKED OUT BY PRESIDENT WEST Close beside this, lest the reader should fail to grasp the full meaning of the boldface, was a three-column cartoon, crudely drawn but adroit enough.

With distaste, the irritated city editors "followed up" the three-column story of the Despatch. "Find out if there's any truth in that," they commanded. "The old man won't see you, but get a talk out of Rainey. And see Judge Gaylor. He's close to Hallowell. Find out from him if that story didn't start as a bear yarn in Wall Street."

He hated his own face staring out at him from a three-column cut in the center of the first page its heavy jaw, its cynical mouth, its impudent eyes. "Do I look like THAT?" he thought. He was like one who, walking along the streets, catches sight of his own image in a show-window mirror and before he recognizes it, sees himself as others see him.

After my unexpected endorsement by the Emperor and his cabinet, I've decided to keep out of politics for a little while. I can stand having a poem tattooed on my back, but if it came to having a three-column editorial expressing my emotions etched alongside of my spine, I'm afraid I'd disappear into thin air." So I left him at work and retired.

His second issue of the Bulletin contained on the front page a three-column picture of Sam Stone, with the same caption, together with a full-page article, written by Dillingham from data secured by himself and the others who were put upon the "story." This set forth the main iniquities of Sam Stone and his crew of municipal grafters.

"Rather," says Old Hickory, pointin' to a Wall Street daily that has broke loose on its front page with a three-column headline. "See what the Curb crowd did to G. L. T. common yesterday? Traded nearly one hundred thousand shares and hammered the opening quotations for a twenty-point loss. All on a rumor of a passed dividend.