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"You must excuse me, gentlemen, but the discussion of these topics has quite unnerved me. Allow me to share with you a thimbleful." Fitz drained his glass, cast his eyes upward, and said solemnly, "To the repose of the postmaster's soul." The Garden Spot of Virginia seeks an Outlet to the Sea

A sister-in-law of the good Pauline was accustomed to send in our dinner, which consisted one day of a thimbleful of saffron-coloured pilau, while the next would perhaps bring half the shoulder of a small fish. Had I boarded with my hostess, I should have kept fast-day five days in the week, and have had nothing to eat on the remaining two.

Ye'll remember like a good soul, won't ye, that the market price is dreffle high just now? More nor three shillings and sixpence for a thimbleful! Ye'll pay up accordingly, deary, won't ye? She blows at the pipe as she speaks, and, occasionally bubbling at it, inhales much of its contents. 'O me, O me, my lungs is weak, my lungs is bad! It's nearly ready for ye, deary.

The thimbleful of whiskey forced between his lips only gurgled down his throat, and Drummond felt no responsive flutter of pulse. The shock to his system must indeed have been great, for Harvey lay like one in a trance. Drummond feared that he might never again open his eyes to light and home. And then the weary troop came trotting into view, old Sergeant Meinecke in command.

I hear him moaning sometimes to himself as if he missed it awfully, but not a thimbleful has left the decanter." "Goodnight, Hexford." "Good night." "You heard?" This to the district attorney. "Every word." Both went for their overcoats. Only on leaving did they speak again, and then it was to say: "At ten o'clock to-morrow morning." "At ten o'clock." Can this avail thee? Look to it!

"I believe they rehearse in the North End Hall this afternoon." Rose couldn't help smiling a little herself. "I'm afraid," she said, "I'll have to ask where that is." "Not at all," said the young man idiotically, and he told her the address; then cast about for a slip of paper to write it down on, racking his thimbleful of brains all the while to make out who she could be.

Is that vodka? I'll just take a thimbleful, Lázar Elizárych. AGRAFÉNA KONDRÁTYEVNA goes out with OLIMPIÁDA SAMSÓNOVNA. PODKHALYÚZIN. Why is it you've favored us with a visit, may I inquire? RISPOLÓZHENSKY. He, he, he! What a joker you are, Lázar Elizárych! Of course you know why. PODKHALYÚZIN. And what may that be, I should like to know, sir? RISPOLÓZHENSKY. For money, Lázar Elizárych, for money!

Water was what we craved for. A thimbleful to moisten our tongues would have been worth its bulk in gold. A raging thirst was growing on us. I urged the men to abstain from drinking salt water, for I well knew that if they did, it would only increase their sufferings.

But he went in whenever a customer appeared, for it was only right that Toine should be invited to take his thimbleful of whatever was drunk in his wine shop. His inn bore the sign: "The Friends' Meeting-Place" and old Toine was, indeed, the friend of all.

Cole says, "Lack-a-day! a thimbleful oversets me." To add to these feelings I have the constant increase of my lameness: the thigh-joint, knee-joint, and ankle-joint. December 21. I walk with great pain in the whole limb, and am at every minute, during an hour's walk, reminded of my mortality. I should not care for all this, if I was sure of dying handsomely.