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'You will have to hurry. 'I'm going to hurry, said Claire, clenching her fists as two simultaneous bursts of song, in different keys and varying tempos, proceeded from the dining-room and kitchen. A girl has to be in a sunnier mood than she was to bear up without wincing under the infliction of a duet consisting of the Rock of Ages and Waiting for the Robert E. Lee.

Gawtrey at last finished a breakfast that would have astonished the whole Corporation of London; and then taking out a large old watch, with an enamelled back doubtless more German than its master he said, as he lifted up his carpet-bag, "I must be off tempos fugit, and I must arrive just in time to nick the vessels. Shall get to Ostend, or Rotterdam, safe and snug; thence to Paris.

Indeed, the Sergeant did not help his state of mind, for he persisted in executing a continuous fugue of ecstatic praise of Nurse Haley in various keys and tempos, her pluck, her cleverness, her skill, her patience, her jolly laugh, her voice, her eyes.

The structure of the whole may be either static or dramatic; in the former case the dramatic element is confined to the themes, the purpose of the whole being merely to work out all their significant variations, to embroider and repeat them in new keys and rhythms and tempos, and to contrast them with other themes.

Gawtrey at last finished a breakfast that would have astonished the whole Corporation of London; and then taking out a large old watch, with an enamelled back doubtless more German than its master he said, as he lifted up his carpet-bag, "I must be off tempos fugit, and I must arrive just in time to nick the vessels. Shall get to Ostend, or Rotterdam, safe and snug; thence to Paris.

The magic-veil scene follows with its fascinating dance tempos, and leads with its graceful measures up to the passionate love-scene between Merlin and Viviane, which is harshly broken in upon by the clash of arms between Modred and his perfidious companions and the faithful friends of Arthur.

Hélène shook her head. "No more to-day," she said. "Then Miss Stanton will perhaps pardon my leaving," said Von Barwig. "On the contrary, Herr Professor, Miss Stanton insists on your remaining," said Hélène, motioning him to a seat. Von Barwig bowed deferentially. "You have disappointed me to-day," he said. "Ach, your tempos change like the winds!

It must also be understood that only the United States among all states and nations has the vastness and breadth of resources and commercial capability to undertake the full exploitation of this revolutionary potential. Finally, it is clear that U.S. forces are engaged and deployed worldwide, often at operating tempos as high as or higher than during the Cold War.

There's a sort of metronome inside us wonderful, sell-adjusting little machine; most delicate bit of mechanism in the world people call it conscience that records the proper beat of our tempos. I guess that's all we have to go by." Nedda said breathlessly: "Yes; and it's frightfully hard, isn't it?" "Exactly," Mr. Cuthcott answered.

Gradually his words became clearer, and to our amazement he was speaking Portuguese! "Pesquisadores pesquisadores," he murmured, "como nos outras dos tempos antigos." His mutterings became again inarticulate. I looked at Jason. He sat staring open-mouthed at our strange visitor. For my own part I confess I was puzzled and somewhat startled.