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The landlord reached over to his wife, who bent her ear readily and dutifully towards him, and the cook distinctly caught the whispered word "'tec." The landlady, after a curious glance at the cook, withdrew to serve a couple of wagoners who had drawn up at the door.

An' that's all till about 'alf an hour ago, when I takes the manager his extry-speshul Star; in about ten minutes he comes running out with a note, an' sends me with it to Scotland Yard in a hansom. An' that's all I know, sir straight. The coppers is up there now, and the tec, and the manager, and they think their gent is about the place somewhere still.

Mershone," replied the man, grinning. "There's a detective following me; he's down the street there a mere boy just in front of that tobacco store. See him?" "Sure I see him. It's Fogerty." "His name is Riordan." "No; it's Fogerty. He's no boy, sir, but the slickest 'tec' in the city, an' that's goin' some, I can tell you." "Well, you must get him, whoever he is.

I'll go up to the bank and find out what I can, but I don't think that young feller, Hicks, is in on it. I've been in the game for forty years, and if I'm a judge, he's no 'tec. Fool kid spendin' more'n he earns and out for what coin he can grab. I'll look up that landlady of his, too, Mame; and if he's on the level there, and at the bank "

You can stand a pleasant surprise, I am sure," and, with that, the detective led the way across the hall, leaving the youthful Jew in a maze of conflicting emotions, for, according to all the rules of the game as played in the dime novel, the tec' should have sprung on his prey like a tiger. Another person whose nervous system received a shock was the super-clerk.

Franklin as a "millionaire" from South America. Moreover, he scrutinized both in the flesh, and saw Robinson salute Peters but pass the financial potentate with indifference. Alas, that a reputation, once built, should be destroyed! "I was mistook, sir," he reported to Grant later. "There's another 'tec about, but 'e ain't the chap I met last night.

"But 'ow do you know they'll be there?" ses Sam, staring at 'im. Mr. Cubbins winked at 'im and tapped 'is nose. "We 'ave to know a good deal in our line o' business," he ses. "Still," ses Sam, "I don't see " "Narks," says the tec; "coppers' narks. You've 'eard of them, cap'n? Now, look 'ere. Have you got any money?" "I got a matter o' twelve quid or so," ses Sam, in a of hand way.

You let me know, and if it's O.K. I'll be round to-morrow at eleven o'clock." "Where am I to let you know to?" "Ritz," replied Tuppence laconically. "Name of Cowley." Albert eyed her enviously. "It must be a good job, this tec business." "It sure is," drawled Tuppence, "especially when old man Rysdale backs the bill. But don't fret, son. If this goes well, you shall come in on the ground floor."

"They seemed to me to be all hands, that's all I know about 'em," he ses. "Arter they 'ad finished they leaned me up agin the dock wall an' went off." "It sounds like 'em," ses the tec, thoughtfully. "It was Long Pete and Fair Alf, for a quid; that's the two I'm arter." He put his finger in 'is weskit-pocket. "That's who I am," he ses, 'anding Sam a card; "Detective-Sergeant Cubbins.

"But 'ow do you know they'll be there?" ses Sam, staring at 'im. Mr. Cubbins winked at 'im and tapped 'is nose. "We 'ave to know a good deal in our line o' business," he ses. "Still," ses Sam, "I don't see " "Narks," says the tec; "coppers' narks. You've 'eard of them, cap'n? Now, look 'ere. Have you got any money?" "I got a matter o' twelve quid or so," ses Sam, in a of hand way.