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Tam superintended the preparation of Lieutenant Bartholomew's "pup" and climbing in gave the signal. "What's the matter with Tam?" Thornycroft, a flight commander of 89 A, had strolled across and stood with Blackie watching Tam's tiny machine humming cloudward.

And Tam used to put one letter there, and I took it out and slid it in my pocket, and put mine back the same! Agnes Anne was looking the other way, of course, and you you " "Was otherwise employed than thinking of such deceit!" I said grandly. "You were kissing me! And I let you for Tam's sake," Charlotte murmured, smiling.

It was not until a week afterward that the news leaked out that Herr Heinzelle, one of Krupp's best designers, had been "killed on the Western Front," and that information put the finishing touch to Tam's joy. "But," asked the brigadier-general to whose attention Tam's act of genius had been brought, "how did your man know it was the gun?"

She has seen in the starlight the lariat as it missed Tam's head, and she knows perfectly well that only Tam's speed and sure-footedness can save them. Her heart beats like a trip-hammer; but she keeps a firm hold upon the rein, with a watchful eye for any sudden inequalities of the road, while her ears are strained to catch every sound.

"Where are ye gaun?" he asked, for Tam's besetting vice was an unquenchable curiosity. "To the trenches afore Masille, sir-r," said the man he addressed. "Ye'll no' be callin' me 'sir-r," reproved Tam. "A'm a s-arrgent. Hoo lang will ye stay in the trenches up yon?" "Foor days, Sergeant," said the man. "Foor days guid Lord!" answered Tam. "A' wouldn't do that wairk for a thoosand poonds a week."

Tam's nearest opponent went down sideways, his second funked the encounter and careered wildly away to his left and immediately lost position to attack, for when two forces are approaching one another at eighty miles an hour, failure to seize the psychological moment for striking your blow leaves you in one minute exactly three miles to the rear of your opponent.

I minded it was the Sabbath, and I sudna hae been there. It micht be a delusion o' the Enemy, if it wasna the de'il himsel'." All that peaceful Sabbath day Tam's meditations were disturbed by visions of great salmon.

There he sits, the wee man wi'oot so much as a seegair to keep him company thank ye, sir-r, A'll not smoke it the noo, but 'twill be welcomed by one of the sufferin' mechanics there sits Tam, gettin' into the mind, or substitute, of the Hoon." "But do you seriously believe that you have scared him?" Tam's eyes twinkled. "Mr. Craig, sir-r, what do ye fear wairst in the world?"

Tam fought indecisively three big white Albatross machines before a Fokker hawk darted down from the shelter of a cloud-wraith and revealed itself as the temporary preoccupation of Captain Müller. The encounter may be told in Tam's own words.

I mean, God grant she pass us not by! The mast was hastily raised, with Tam's turban unrolled, floating at the top of it; and while he and Fareek plied their oars with might and main, he bade Arthur fire off at intervals the blunderbuss, which had hitherto lain idle at the bottom of the boat. How long the intense suspense lasted they knew not ere Arthur cried, 'They are slackening sail!